Monday, October 31, 2005
The third Koizumi Cabinet's inauguration
Ms. Kuniko Inoguchi who is one of the "Koizumi-children" became a Cabinet member despite newly-elected Representative. It's unusual that a newly-elected Representative gets into the Cabinet member but I think she will do well. Her careers are excellent!
I like her because she is very humble. She doesn't boast of her careers, unlike Ms. Satsuki Katayama.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Tokyo govt plans to redevelop my area.
I always find the opening ceremonies of the Olympics very inspiring. I want to go to see it once at least. If it is in Tokyo, it's best! I want Tokyo to win the race to host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. Before that, Tokyo must defeat Sapporo and Fukuoka. Go for it, Tokyo!!
I didn't know but according to a dictionary, one trillion is 1,000,000,000,000 in U.S.
But it's 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 in U.K.
British and American English are sometimes different. But figures difference confuses.
I wonder which language is used in International community and business.
Friday, October 28, 2005
How can we protect children from these things?
Thursday, October 27, 2005
I have a cold.
(I've heard that meaning of "throat" includes "pharyngeal tube" and "air tube". By the way, my pharyngeal tube and air tube have a very healthy constitution.)
After sore throat, I have a cold.
Although I have a cold, I went to Jazz party with my friend tonight. It wasn't fun so much. I should have stayed at home and slept.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
My bicycle life
It was sunny days till yesterday in Tokyo. I like autumn fine weather!
One of my goals is that I will still stay healthy, even at old age. I've heard that riding bicycle is better than running and walking. I can train an iliopsoas muscle and promote blood flow by riding a bicycle over 150 hours a week.
I live in Shibuya Ward so my place isn't so far from Shibuya station. Actually Shinjuku station is nearer than Shibuya station. I can walk to Shinjuku. When I go to Shinjuku and Shibuya, I will bicycle to there now.
(Both Shinjuku and Shibuya is one of biggest station of central Tokyo.)
My skirt tore... Oh, no!
It was my favorite clothes.
(<--- My torn skirt)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
I love sleeping!!!
By the way, I wonder "be asleep" and "sleep" are same meaning. In this case, using adjective is a bit strange for Japanese. So I can understand "sleep" more smoothly.
Friday, October 21, 2005
My new machine!

I rode a bicycle after very long time and it was reminded me that I was very poor at riding a bicycle. Dangerous.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Playoff is...
(This article is about Japanese professional baseball.)
I'm a fan of Giants. But I like Lotte. BUT! Actually I wanted Softbank to win. Softbank was a runaway leader in the pennant race. I think playoff system is very strange and it should be abolished. It's true that playoff games warm up but it's disadvantage for the team that is a leader in the pennant race. The leader team must wait no less than two weeks to play the games because 2nd team and 3rd team play the games at first.
It is also strange that 3rd team can play in playoff.
Although Softbank was a leader in pennant race for the second consecutive year, it lost the league title for the second consecutive year.
Anyway, Japan series will start this weekend. Lotte vs Hanshin. I intend to cheer Lotte. Go in and win for Softbank that lost the title!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
My goals on the future chronology
I set up some goals. Of course one of them is "English". I will score over 900 on TOEIC exam in 3 years. (Oh! You think it's impossible now, don't you?)
Another is that I will do activities to help poor children in the world. At the present time, I do something I can do a little by little. I hope I will do the activities worldwide in the future.
There are many poor people in the world. Especially I'd like to help children.
For example, street children. One Filipino girl works in dump all day and get small changes. They can eat lean meals only every 3days.
For example, children who are in the battlefields, children who are in the disaster areas, children who are in the poorest countries.
When they play with their friends, they really enjoy a good laugh, although they are in the harsh situation. When I see their smile, I feel near tears. They can't go to school but they have strong desire to study. So I'd like to do activities to make situation that children can go to school. I think foods are needed before education though.
#=#=# According to a book "If the world were a village of 100 people". #=#=#
If you have money in the bank, money in your wallet and spare change somewhere around the house, you are among the richest 8.
Among the villagers,
1 has a college education, 2 have computers, 14 cannot read.
I have money in the bank, in my wallet. I had gone to university. I have my computer.
And these are things most Japanese take for granted. But these are very very rare things in the world. I must be thankful for my situation.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Happy Birthday!!
I intend to present me a bicycle. I wanted to buy it and put its photo on this article. But it rain today. I intend to come back to my place from bicycle shop riding the bicycle. I will buy it by the end of this week. And I will put my new machine's photo on this blog!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Word order
I got together with two high school friends today. We had played handball and did hard trainings everyday.
They are fans of Korean actors so they went to watch the Korean movie. The huge boom in Korea is happening among Japanese women. (Especially women in middle life.) I'm not interested in those at all so I joined them after they watched the movie.
One of them had lived in Korea for a while so she can speak Korean. It's often said that Korean is similar Japanese very much so it's easy to learn Korean for Japanese. Especially Korean has a similar word order to Japanese. Japanese word order is much different from English.
For example...
"I went to the park with my friend this morning.
"Japanese word order is
"This morning with my friend to the park went." (Japanese usually omit the subject.)
It's MUCH different, isn't it?
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Rain, rain, rain...
The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is typhoon season. And there is a lot of rain in the early autumn. And then, clear autumn sky ("akibare" in Japanese) is continued... But akibare I love haven't come yet.
I miss akibare.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Photographer's heart
One day I was watching the news about the earthquake in Pakistan. Camera was capturing local residents who were trying to dig a person from rubble. There was no heavy equipment so they did by human power. Then one of them said to the cameraman, "we are trying to rescue a person so help us". I thought HE WAS RIGHT!! The cameraman was capturing them up close.
Sometimes photographers take pictures in the battlefields and their photos win the awards. They go to many battlefields with justification that their mission is to show people terrible battlefields situations. But I always think why they don't help people in front of them before pressing shutter button. They might help them after pressing shutter button. But if they have normal human heats...
I often watch movies and documentaries about war and I want many people to watch those to realize horrors of wars. But when I see photos in the battlefields, I always think I can't understand the feeling of the photographer who can press shutter button before helping people, like the cameraman who was in Pakistan.
I'm contradicting myself...
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Playing Mozart on the piano
I've heard that Mozart is very good for health, beauty and healing. It seems that it is demonstrated scientifically. So I'm thinking about putting on Mozart usually. At first I thought I borrow CD's from a rental shop.

Do you know sheet-like piano? At first I couldn't believe it. But one pianist said that sound of it is good. So I plan to buy it. I think it's a good idea that I play Mozart on the piano myself.
After improving my piano skill much, I want a real piano.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
My terrible listening skill
I went to drink with my English teacher tonight. At first we drank at British bar in Shinjuku.
He speaks easy English slowly in class. But today wasn't lesson of course. So I often couldn't catch what he said. My listening skill is really bad. Probably he usually speaks faster and uses more difficult words.
Most foreigners who study Japanese have good listening skill, even if they can't speak, write and read Japanese so much. My writing and reading are much better than listening. What is difference?
After drinking at the bar, we went to the Kaiten Sushi restaurant. We went to there late so most my favorite neta(*) were sold out. It was pity.
(*) Neta means sashimi on the rice. It's one of sushi-related words.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Find a nice spot
It's good to go to anywhere new. Sometimes I can find good places.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
English that is easy to catch
I sometimes watch news and foreign dramas in English to learn English, I almost can't catch what they say though. My biggest weakness is listening. I hope I'll be able to understand all English in news and dramas sometime.
But it depends on dramas. For example, U.S. dramas "Twenty Four" and "Star Trek". I can catch what actors say in these dramas better than in other dramas. Their English is very clear for me. Why... Director's policy?
English that is easiest to catch is U.S. president's speech!
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Tatsunori Hara came back!
It was decided that Mr. Hara would assume manager of Giants again after 3 years of separation. (Giants is one of Japanese professional baseball teams. I am a fan.) It's nice! It's better to say it's quite expected. I was really angry at stupid high command of Giants when they retired him. And then poor performance of Giants continued.
I think it's hard to bring the team back from the grave. Hara's role is tough. But go for it!
The way to teach
Their ways to teach are different. Both of them are good teacher.
I think that the way of teach should depend on teachers. I'm a computer trainer and I always think teachers and trainers should make a lot of effort to develop better way to teach and have own way. So I think teacher who doesn't have own way to teach and just copy other's way isn't qualified to teach.
Monday, October 03, 2005
I can't read English fast!
I sent my friend an e-card. When I send e-cards, I use Japanese greeting website of course. But the friend I sent this time is a foreigner so I searched English site and sent from it.
There were many e-cards and I checked a few contents of them. There was one problem in some of them...English sentences or words appear on display and then they disappear soon. I couldn't read them! Because it takes much time to read English than to read Japanese. It made me remember my driving in U.S.
I went to Texas for business trip a few years ago.As soon as I arrived at Dallas airport, I rent a car there, and drove to the hotel. Of curse I didn't know the road of Texas at all so I read traffic signs carefully when I drove on the freeway. But I couldn't read English very fast so I usually passed by the traffic signs before I read. Usually people don't read the traffic sign, just look, right? I also don't read Japanese traffic sign. I can understand it by just looking. But I can't understand English by just looking. I need to read.
I found myself driving 40km per hour on the freeway...
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Remarkable proficiency in crossword puzzle?
1st trying --- 8%
Terrible. Even elementary students in U.S. can fill cells more...
2nd trying --- 16%
Hmm... It's difficult.
3rd trying --- 22%
Favorable growth. I seem to get the knack of English crossword puzzle. Keep it up.
4th trying --- 54%
Wow! Steep increase! Am I a genius? I can meet the goal (80%) soon?
5th trying --- 10%
Oh... thought as much. 4th was pure luck. It's not that easy.
Language improves little by little.