Finally, I decided not to go to Osaka. I turned down
the job offer.
Actually, this offer was very good, salary proposal was much high, the position was good, and the company would pay most my house rent so I would be able to live a house much better than one I'm living now. Yes, it was very good offer... except for living in Osaka.
I was thinking about various things, not only living place, and I decided not to accept it.
Anyway, I continue to live in Tokyo. If I accept that offer, my life would change SO MUCH. It would be the biggest change in my life. But I'm here now. Nothing special.
I will go to business trips next month. My co-worker and I, two persons must go round all over Japan for a month. One will go to the North area and the other will go to the South area. Hmm... It's winter now and this winter is ve--ry cold. So it seems that going to the South area is better. Hmm... But the North area isn't so bad because Sapporo is included. Date of going to Sapporo is during the Sapporo Snow festival that is very famous. I've never seen it. It's a good chance to see it.
I wonder which area I go to. I should be able to know that next week.