In the very wide beautiful garden, there are the five-story pagoda, some halls which are national treasures or national important cultural assets and so on.
Very beautiful! Look!!
Those scenes reminded me of my visit here when I was a student.
Oops! At the moment, my camera ran out of battery.
But, actually places I would see after that were all where photography was prohibited because of national treasures or national important cultural assets. Hmm... I wondered my camera had known that. Running out of battery was good timing. My camera worked until I needed it. Good job!
I entered some halls. There were many national treasures and so on. I reinforced the reality that Buddhism was from India.
The last in Toh temple was Kanchi-in. You can see old traditional Japanese house style. Beautiful garden which has meanings, living room, tea room, drawing room and so on.
I was really good to come to Toh temple. I recommend it strongly. You can see and feel atmosphere of all aspect of old traditional Japan just in there.
I had one feeling at there. It was often said in Japanese, but I don't know its English. Probably nothing. Direct translation is "I feel my heart is washed." I really felt it and said this sentence in my heart repeatedly in Kanchi-in. Then I found one hanging scroll. Surprisingly 2-kanji which means "my heart is washed" was written in the hanging scroll. What a coincidence!!
After all my sightseeing, I walked to Kyoto station. My legs were almost dying. It was good choice to go around Kyoto station that day instead of Suzumushi temple. If I had gone to Suzumushi temple, my legs would have run out of energy on the way, and I couldn't have seen Toh temple. Good choice!!
I want to visit Toh temple again when I come to Kyoto next time.