Monday, July 31, 2006
The end of the rainy season
And finally summer has come. There are many kind of festivals in summer, especially fireworks displays!! I love them! There has been a festival in my neighborhood last weekend. Hooray!
But I hate too muggy, too humid Japanese summer. Have a patient for about one and a half month.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
The first encounter with bad taste curry
In Japan, EVERYONE likes curry. Japanese curry is much different from authentic Indian curry and Japanese curry is Japanese dish in a sense.
One of the Japanese children's most favorite foods is curry.
Typical dish cooked at camp is curry.
Dish kids cook for the first time is curry.
And anyone can cook curry deliciously.
So I was very very surprised that I ate that curry... It was like spicy beef stroganoff with much ketchup, I haven't eaten such a dish though.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Aflac Duck

I got an Aflac's mascot yesterday. If you put its tummy, the duck sings theme song of Aflac TV commercial.

Aflac, Aflac, Afla--c!

<-- It doesn't look like a duck?
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Waste of time
I was trying to make many kind of investigations into the cause of it. And then I called a support center of cell phone. An operator indicated some operations but I have done all of them before calling. After that, I mailed support centers of both PC mail and cell phone. I struggled against this problem for about 4 hours without having a meal!
During I write this article, my cell phone is receiving many mails one after another. Wow! It was fixed!
Hmm... It was definitely due to server of cell phone mail. Boo... I wanted to go to bed early because of lack of sleep. BOO---!
My cell phone is keeping receiving trapped mails now.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
The deterioration of a situation in Lebanon
Finally, Israel bombed the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) and 4 Ceasefire Monitoring Committee Personnel, an Austrian, a Canadian, a Chinese and a Finish, were killed.
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan accused Israel of obvious intentional attack in his statement.
I can't mention deeply Arab-Israeli dispute because there are many immeasurable issues and deep history and it's hard for me to understand that.
But I can criticize the U.S. The reason that the U.S. always side with Israel sucks big time. As is well known, there are many many Jewish voters in the U.S. If anyone is against Israel's behavior, he (or she) can't be elected, can't be president.
Monday, July 24, 2006
My bad listening comprehension #4
Yes, right word is "Customs declaration form".
I'm seldom able to catch pronunciation of "la" in this case. Whew...
My bad listening comprehension #3
My bad listening comprehension #2
My bad listening comprehension #1
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Doyo no Ushi day

I ate it today of course. Eel is not reasonable food though...
<-- Today's my supper, broiled eel on rice.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
My English conversation skill is still poor.
My English show no improvement at all!!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Magma spa
Bedrock spa is becoming popular in Japan now. But I heard "Magma spa" today. It seems that the magma spa's benefits are bit different from the bedrock spa's one. I didn't think I wanted to go the bedrock spa but I'm a bit interested in the magma spa. I checked it on the Internet. Hmm... It's not so expensive. But I don't like taking a sauna... I wonder it's similar to the sauna. I think I will try it sometime.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
I need an iPod?
My cell phone is Vodafone, and SoftBank Corp. bought Vodafone in Japan. Where have I heard that SoftBank announced they would release the cell phone with iPod function in collaboration with Apple Inc? I'm not a heavy user of cell phone and I must use iPod only for learning English even if I buy it. So it's good for me to have one equipment that has both functions, cell phone and iPod, rather than having two separate equipment.
But there is no announcement of that on SoftBank and Vodafone websites, I checked their press release back numbers though. Did I dream??

Saturday, July 15, 2006
Blonde hair turns brown as kids get older?
There is a thing I wonder. Although both father and mother have dark brown hair, their kid's hair is blonde. Why? It is not uncommon? I don't know about it, because I was born and grew up in Japan so most people around me have black hair. (There are many people who color their hairs though.)
I wonder if blond hair is recessive heredity like blood type O. Or it turns brown sometime?
Oops! my futon is...
I had a breakfast, read a newspaper and studyed English at the restaurant, then I went back my place. On my way home, it was getting cloudy, and it started sprinkling a little. Oh, I leave the futons putting out on the veranda. I thought I must have hurried back. And then, it began to rain shower. Shoot!
It was pelting down with thunder and lightning for about an hour. And then, it is sunny again now. The weather forecast didn't mention the showers. Boo...
* airing out futons
Most Japanese air out their futons sometimes. People who don't do that are... for example dirty men who live alone...
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Finding a new coffee shop
I found a new coffee shop I had never seen the other day. It's "Seattle's Best Coffee". There are many (too many) coffee shops from other countries, such as Starbucks, Excelsior Caffe etc. But I saw it for the first time so I tried to enter the shop. Although it's coffee shop, there were some kinds of tea. I prefer tea to coffee so I liked it. But according to the website of the Seattle's Best Coffee, there are only 4 in Tokyo, there are 207 Starbucks though. What a pity.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Movie: The Da Vinci Code
Hmm... It mostly stuck closely to the original, it means it scratched the surface of the story. The original is more complicated and deeper. For example, there are deep stories about Silas, but I think people who don't read the original think of him as a mere lunatic. But it can't be helped. It's difficult to condense such an original into about 2 hours.
Did you read the original and watch the movie? There was one thing that was MUCH different from the original. To be more exact, the thing was different from MY IMAGE.
When I read the original, I though Lt. Collet who was Captain Fache's subordinates was still young, late 20s or early 30s. But!! I was very very surprised because he was a middle-aged man in the movie. What!! He looked like even older than Captain Fache.
Is it Ron Howard's image?
Monday, July 10, 2006
My general comment on the 2006 World Cup
Most articles in this blog these days were about the World Cup. It is the last article about it, maybe. Thank you for entertaining me with nice playing.
I tried to choose MY AWARDs.

Their positioning was very good and they were good passers. (Although Klose is a FW.) And they seldom overbalance even if opposition player hits them. Lampard couldn't play so well this World Cup, but it's enough for me to know his ability.
It's notable that they don't do soccer's typical bad things most players often do. Top players of top players are superior on not only playing but also mentality.

He is still young, 22 years old. And he is 170 cm tall, very small. (Actually He and I stand at even height. Haha. I'm tall as a Japanese woman.) But he ran and ran a---nd ran all around the pitch and made a lot contribution to the team that was the 3rd place.
When I saw his playing, I always wondered why his cheeks went red and its shapes were triangle.

He is really a good coach. At the 1998 France, his team Netherlands placed in the top 4. It's no wonder because Netherlands is on of soccer superpowers. But he placed in the top 4 again at the head of Korea at the 2002 World Cup! His ability as a coach was called "Hiddink's magic" at the time.
This time, I thought Australia was very good team. Unfortunately they were defeated by Italy but they played very well and I thought they would win the game against Italy. Italy won the cup. I think it represents how great Australia team.
I was cheering for England and Ukraine, especially England. There were many talented players in England team.
But I choose Germany team for this award.
There are many young players, and both young and experienced players did well together. Prior evaluation of them wasn't good but they placed the 3rd. They were growing in the World Cup and became a good team.

Referees are also tournament system like games. Only good referees can be in charge of next game. Kamikawa refereed just one game at the last World Cup. This time, he refereed 3 games including the 3rd-place match with a Japanese assistant referee Hiroshima, result of Japanese soccer team was terrible though. We are proud of them. In fact, Kamikawa's judge was very good!
I didn't know referees also could get medals. They got bronze medals as with Germany.

My friend said she wasn't interested in the 2006 World Cup so much but she watch games. Especially she checked cool guys. Oh---! I forgot to do it because I was watching games with fascination. I might have missed out on any cool guys?
That's it for the Awards of MY CHOICE. By the way, real awards are followings.
Golden Ball Award ==> Zidane (Fra_MF)

Best Young Player Award ==> Podolski (Ger_FW)
(Qualification is all players born on or after 1 January 1985.)
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Les Bleus vs. Azzurri -- the World Cup final game
Astonishing result. Zidane was sent off for an off-the-ball incident in which Materazzi was butted in the chest. The game was Zidane's last game as a professional though...

But surprisingly, he seems to be a funny and facetious guy. After the game, Italy's players were cavorting of course. But those of them were too funny! I thought it was "the merry Italian"! And the most humorous person was Gattuso. I liked his character.
It is becoming a hot topic what Materazzi said to Zidane. There is a lot of speculation. A media of Brazil that read it using lipreading said that he called Zidane's sister a whore. The Associated Press and Britain newspaper Guardian said that he called Zidane a terrorist. BBC said it was insult to Zidane's mother. A French TV station said it was insult to Zidane himself who is an Algerian immigrant child. I can't believe! Of course, Zidane's behavior was very bad but if it is true, shame of you, Materazzi. Many soccer players, especially Portugal and Italy, fight the game with "words", not playing. I often say I don't like both of teams because they often do typical bad things of soccer, dirty plays, simulations, complaining to judges too much... But I came so close to liking Italy team because they did very very well in the final game. But Materazzi made me lose this feeling. He is terrible as a player, no, as a human. But it seems that no Italian blames him and he is a hero in Italy. It's hard to believe. And most terrible thing is that such a behavior goes unmentioned in the soccer world.

The Germanic spirit -- the World Cup the 3rd-place match
Germany is in a pinch! The Deutschen Fussball-Bundes announced that DF Mertesacker wouldn't show up for the game. He is injured and has left from the team for surgery. Oh... Moreover DF Friedrich also has an injured knee so his appearance is doubtful. Oh, 2 defenders...
And Klose is injured too. He said that he want to play but if he can't make a contribution to the team even if he plays there would be nothing he can do except give up.
Furthermore!! Germany's coach Klismann said that he makes Ballack absent. Oh, my goodness! I'm concerned about this situation... Germany team! Show us your Germanic spirit!
By the way, Japanese often use the word "the Germanic spirit" when talking about Germany. Do people in other countries often use it as well?
Klinsmann also announced that GK Kahn is in the starting lineup.
It's time that game started. I will come back to this article after the game. See you later.
The game was a clean sweep for Germany, 3 - 1. So Klinsmann could afford to send young players who hadn't play yet in this World Cup to the pitch from the second half.

By the way, a chief referee and one of assistant referees of this game were Japanese. I think the chief referee Kamikawa judged rightly. Cristiano Ronaldo often fell down in a very artificial way as ever, but the referee saw through his artifice and was never deceived. What a nice judge!

Saturday, July 08, 2006
One article wrritten by one soccer journalist
Show us "Beautiful Portugal" at the end
In the Portugal team, there are players who have brilliant talents, especially Cristiano Ronaldo. But there are also players who mirror the bad part of modern soccer, yes, one of them is Cristiano Ronaldo. When this young winger comes back to the Man U, he will be treated harshly by even fans of Man U. It is due to his role in Rooney's direct red. The revulsion against him is very strong and he was booed by even fans of France in the semifinal game.
His play is speedy and he is good at controlling the ball, but he can't quit playing foul. He falls down in a very artificial way and always aims for chance of FK, PK and cards against opposition players.
----- *snip* ----
If Portugal team concentrates on showing every good parts of soccer, it's fun to see their games. But they often do gamesmanship and spend a lot of time misleading a judge rather than playing. Especially they have a pronounced tendency to do that at being wining.
Figo also should serve as a model for young players in the world, instead of pretending to be injured or repeating complaining a judge. I guess I'm not only one who rejoiced at seeing that Figo's header went wide of the goal in the semifinal game.
----- *snip* ----
Portugal has one more game that is the 3rd-place match.
----- *snip* ----
Taking this opportunity, I think Portugal and Germany have a duty to entertain people in the world. I hear the word "the beautiful game" many times in the World Cup, but it is not so beautiful so far. There are few people who remembered which team won the 3rd-place match. The game is not expected for big things.
So I think both of teams have role to enjoy playing with smile and show fun like things soccer usually creates in the world. Or I wonder this hope is too high even in the 3rd-place match.
Whew... It was too hard for me to translate it...
Oh, my favorite views are...

I can see the view at all around my neighborhood. Some of them that are my favorite are disappearing.

There are 2 highways around my place. There has been construction at one of them. Oh, no! New highway interrupts my favorite views of skyscraper! Shock! Boo------!!
The right photo was my most favorite view. The skyscraper visible from between 2 buildings. Especially night view was beautiful. But this view is mostly disappearing...
Friday, July 07, 2006
the Wimbledon tennis championships vs. the Soccer World Cup
Hmm... Which game are British grooving to?
Tanabata day
Hospitalization of the manager of the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Oh

The Fukuoka Softbank Hawks got the first place in the Pacific League pennant for the second consecutive year, but they missed league title by playoff. (The Pacific League playoff system is really hogwash!) So they definitely want to win.
I think Oh is well-known in the U.S. too. He is the home run king in the world. He compiled 868 homeruns.
Cute kids in the World Cop
Sometimes I find very small kids among them. Very small. How old are they? It seems that they don't understand why they are there. Haha. Probably people who are proud and happy are their parents and other families. But a few years later, those small kids might realize they were in wonderful place.

Thursday, July 06, 2006
France's elegant plays -- the World Cup semifinals 2
Person of the match I choose is... France's defense. (It's not a person this time.) France's defense is excellent, wonderful, perfect!! Italy's defense called Catenaccio is very famous but it seems be the defense by force. But France's defense is very systematic and even elegance.
When Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo kept a ball, he always drew boos from the crowd. According to a newspaper, it may be due to his behavior on red card of England's Rooney. I also felt bad to see that he ran to a judge (very fast!) and took the lead in complaining although he wasn't a party in charge. Of course most stupid person at the time was Rooney though.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006
At first, media didn't have much information about it but most news programs were taking much time for it. Stupid. They had no accurate information so they just talked with invited critics about hypothetically speaking hours upon hours. And critics say nothing but ubiquitous things as ever. It was very boring. It is same situation as election reporting. I think those are self-satisfaction of media and journalists. Please carry the correct things accurately, and COMPACTLY.
North Korea launched 7 missiles. What is their objective? I heard that the launch for the 1st missile was almost same time as the launch for the space shuttle Discovery. Hmm... I wonder it represents something?
Host nation Germany dissipates -- the World Cup semifinals 1

Germany did well but they seemed to be tired. After England and Ukraine I cheered for were defeated, I hoped that the semifinal was Germany vs. France, and Germany won the cup. Like I said before, I don't like soccer of Italy and Portugal. They play dirty pool. I wrote that there was no sportsmanship in soccer. Dirty plays, simulations, complaining to judge too much... They sometimes keep having a ball and don't give it opposing team in spite of the opposing team's ball. What a childish behavior! Portugal's Deco did it although he is one of the top players, so he didn't come into the next game. Italy and Portugal are teams that do those behaviors so very often.
The game France vs. Portugal will start soon. Good luck for France!
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Men's crying remains me my days as a player.

Players fight for 90 minutes, and for 30 minutes extra game. They tough it out, and then penalty shootout. Defeat by penalty shootout gives much stronger shock. Many players cried.

Fortunately, we placed in the top 8 at the our last tournament. Of course we were so happy, but I remember we didn't talk at all on a bus home. Probably we felt totally drained of energy because of achieving our target. Haha.
Now, I wonder how England players are feeling. I hope they will show their good playing soon.
The king Brazil went away. -- the World Cup quarter finals 4
Brazil vs. France. Likeliest Brazil left from the World Cup. It was said that this World Cup became Ronaldinho's one, but he couldn't perform brilliantly.Person of the match I choose is Ribery. I know everyone thinks Zidane was best. Yes, playing of Zidane and Henry came to the fore. But Ribery ran and ran, and made a lot contribution.
Top 4 was decided. Germany, Italy, Portugal and France. The teams I cheered for, England and Ukraine have been eliminated...
So I hope Germany win the cup. I have a good feeling toward team of Germany. The final game is... Germany vs. France? Because I don't like teams of Italy and Portygal so much.
the draining duel again -- the World Cup quarter finals 3
England vs. Portugal. Both of teams fought on to the end for 120 minutes and there were no goal, so penalty shootout again... and then England lost... I'm too shock for words. Even the penalty shootout was dramatic. England players were crying.
Person of the match I choose is... I can't think about it now because of despondentness.
Probably this game will be handed down as a historic game.
England leaves from the World Cup this time. That's really a shame, and a shock...
Bye bye England

England players stand with arms around shoulders during the penalty shootout
Beckham gave away as injury, Rooney was ejected for red card, so both of them aren't in the picture.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
My six sense
The other day, somehow I checked it again. No special reason. Just casually. I found his page and told him it. He said he put it just 3 days ago. Oh! Feeling in my bones? Haha.
I often have such experiences. So I believe my six sense. For example, when people tell a lie, I sometimes know it's a lie. I don't know why and there are no grounds. But I know. I don't tell anyone though. When I was a university student, my friends, a guy and a girl went steady but they kept it secret. But I knew that. There was also no reason. Just I thought and I was sure.
My six sense was more sensitive when I was a kid. This ability is getting lower and lower as I get older. Come to think of it, I was far ahead of others in my studies when I was a kid. Just listening in classes, I got a perfect score on every test. Many friends went to cram school. But I didn't study even at home, I just listened classes. Even if every other student answered the question wrong on the test, I aced the test. When I think back, my parents should have done something to develop my ability. Haha.
And then, unfortunately I am a mere mediocrity now.
Ukraine lost the game. -- the World Cup quarter finals 2
Italian soccer is known for their solid defense called Catenaccio. Yes, their defense was really impregnable wall. They perfectly prevented Shevchenko from his playing as a world number one striker.

I want to say to Ukraine that they did well in spite of their first appearance in the World Cup.
After the draining duel -- the World Cup quarter finals 1
The first game Germany vs. Argentina has finished just now. It was very good and exciting game. The game was sent to the extra time but it wasn't decided, and then Germany won by the penalty shootout. In this game, I cheered for Germany, but I felt very sorry for Argentina when the player who missed his penalty kick was crying. Both of teams played great and tough game. The penalty shootout is cruel way to decide a winner.
I like watching sports. But I always have heartache when I see losers.

It's 3:20 am in Japan now. Midnight. But the game of Ukraine I cheer for will start soon, at 4:00 am. I can't sleep yet.