World series in the U.S. and Japan series in Japan has finished. It means the baseball season has finished. It's kind of sad for baseball fans. But we can watch the Japan-U.S. All-Star games that will take place next month in Japan.
Cardinals won the World series. I think Taguch who is a Japanese played very well. Good job!
<== Taguch with his son after wining the championship.
Nihon Ham Fighters beat Chunichi Dragons in the Japan series and became the national champion for the first time in 44 years.
I think Dragons was stronger team than Fighters but Fighters had momentum.
Players of Fighters throw the manager Hillman in the air in celebration. ==>
Shinjo who is one of players of Fighters announced his retirement in the middle of the pennant race. When he moved to Fighters 3years ago, he said they jam-packed their studium with many fans and won the championship. At that time, Fighters wasn't popular team so much and also strong team. But what he said went. I'm not sure he made much contribution to the wining the championship, but it's for certain that he made MUCH contribution to attracting and increasing fans.
Rakuten Eagles' manager Nomura, who was the manager of Tigers when Shinjo played for Tigers, complemented Shinjo's playing, when Shinjo announced his retirement. I was a bit surprised to hear it because Nomura is known for an outspoken person and he merely compliment. According to the Nomura's comment, Shinjo is a three-point player who is a shotgun, can play strong defense and run well. Hmm... I see. So his batting is?

<== Taguch with his son after wining the championship.

I think Dragons was stronger team than Fighters but Fighters had momentum.
Players of Fighters throw the manager Hillman in the air in celebration. ==>

Rakuten Eagles' manager Nomura, who was the manager of Tigers when Shinjo played for Tigers, complemented Shinjo's playing, when Shinjo announced his retirement. I was a bit surprised to hear it because Nomura is known for an outspoken person and he merely compliment. According to the Nomura's comment, Shinjo is a three-point player who is a shotgun, can play strong defense and run well. Hmm... I see. So his batting is?