Friday, October 07, 2011

Movie: Rise of the Planet of the Apes

It's the first time for me to go to see the movie on the day of the premiere. I was really looking forward to seeing it and couldn't wait.

It's just what I expected. I was quite satisfied.

Especially, psychological descriptions of the ape Cesar was great.

CGI is... CGI is CGI, not real. It can't be helped. I don't like CGI movie so much. But in this movie, Cesar's facial expression was interesting. He's gotten incredibly high intelligence. So his face sometimes looked like a human.

Look at his face. It's almost not an ape, but a human.

Even though the credits start appearing, don't leave the theater. Otherwise, you will miss one scene.

I felt scared a bit. The story is about why and how apes acquired enough to conquer the world. But the last scene indicates why and how the human perish.

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