Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Improper use of the word "Possibly"

I found that I had used the word "possibly" incorrectly for a long time.

When I want to say something like "Hopefully" or "If possible", I've always said "Possibly."

For example, when a recruit agent introduce a new position to me and ask my salary expectation, I say "possibly ----- yen" instead of "hopefully --- yen."

Hmm... I wonder how they interpret what I said...



hieee sand.. its not about the word u say.... its about, the understanding.. as recruiter understand what u want to say... about your salary expectation...and did u like the snap which i upload on my blog... its our festival...snap.. which every year we do and call Gokul-ahstami.

sand said...

Thank you, Avinash.

The festival seems nice!