Monday, January 14, 2013


It's surely colder this winter than usual. And today, we are having the season's first snow in Tokyo where it rarely snows in.

Here it is the scene from my apartment's window.

Although the picture can't show how much it's snowing, it's a lot snowing from left to right, not from top to down, because it's also windy. I can hear the sough of the wind.

I was going to a coffee shop to study something related to my job. The coffee shop is in the building next to my apartment, but the snow and strong wind discourage me... Whew...

Fortunately today is a national holiday, so many people don't need to go to work. But there might be some small panics tomorrow morning because people in Tokyo are not used to snow.


Tim Frost said...

As long as it is not so much that it causes inconvenience, some snow is nice. It gives a fresh look to a familiar and maybe boring scene.

By coincidence, it also started snowing here today. Although snow isn't unusual here in winter, a lot of fuss was made about it on the radio and TV.

These days, people are overly cautious in some respects and wreckless in other ways. For example, some schools closed early to allow pupils to go home, even though there was only about 2 cm of snow. Of course, the children went to play in the snow instead of going home! On the other hand, drivers are not careful enough on the slippery roads and there is an increase in traffic accidents.

I recorded the build-up of snow with a series of photos from my window over a period of two hours this afternoon. The result is here:

Snowy Gardens

(The picture looks small but you can zoom in or press the 100% button)

sand said...

Thank you for the photos!

It's interesting to see snow is gradually accumulating. Also, snow scenes are always beautiful (as long as I just watch it from indoors.)