Sunday, May 05, 2013

The scene which filled me deep emotion

After the the retirement ceremony of Hideki Matsui and the National Honorary Award ceremony for Matsui and Shigeo Nagashima, and before a game, there was the impressive opening pitch ceremony.

Pitcher: Hideki Matasui
Batter: Shigeo Nagashima, (aka Mr. Giants)
Catcher: Tatsunori Hara

The combination of the tree filled me with deep emotion.

For people outside Japan or people who are not fans of Giants, it's nothing special. However, I couldn't help writing this historic moment on the blog.

(By the way, the umpire in the opening pitch ceremony is Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.)

Surprisingly, Nagashima and Matsui wear a matching suit!! Tie and shirt too!!!

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