Thursday, March 15, 2007

My English is lacking in uniformity Part 2

I couldn't have an English conversation so well today. My English level is really lacking in uniformity. It seems to be depends on my mood. And the mood is affected by my confidence in my English. And the confidence always varies depending on situation. For example, I'm very poor at catching English Indians speak. So when I talk with Indians, my confidence goes down. Or talking on the phone in English is my weakest things. So when I talk on the phone, my confidence goes down as well. And then, my English skill immediately goes lower so much that I can't have a good English conversation.

It's a vicious circle.


PA said...

I agree! My Japanese skill really depends on my mood at the time. Sometimes I'm rubbish. Sometimes I feel pretty fluent. It just depends. At the moment I have to speak a lot to customers in Japanese and I'm getting more and more used to it. I think the best thing is not to really worry and just to do it without thinking. I still get stuck but that's the way it goes,eh. nothing to worry about really.
Good luck!!! I can't understand Chinese people's English at all. I had someone today and I really understood about 20 % of what he said!

sand said...

Oh, you too?! Yes, as you said, just doing it without thinking is best. I think many things when I have no confidence.
You talk with Japanese every day. It's best situation to improve your Japanese!