Wednesday, January 07, 2009

A touching letter to a mother

Today, I found the article about one letter to a mother. The letter was written by a university student, who died in the Great Hanshin Earthquake 14 years ago.
I'm very impressed by it.

He needed to move to Kobe because he would go to university. His mother came to Kobe to help his movement. When she was on the train to go back her home, she was in tears due to sorrow for living far from him. He saw her from the platform and conveyed with gestures to look in her jacket pocket. There was a letter from him in it.

After his death, his mother framed his letter and is treasuring it.
I think when touching words or phrases are translated into other languages, its impression is decreased. However I'll try to translate it because I want to you to know it.
Dear my mother,

It's been already 20 years since you gave me a life. I never had any time which I didn't feel your kind, warm, great and strong love. I have been given a lot of feathers by you. To love people, to admonish myself, to be loved by people... Worthy feathers have gathered in my wings. Now, I'm going to take off with those wings which enable me to fly higher, stronger and freer than anybody else. I'll try to do them with my best. I'll try to keep flying as long as my strength lasts, not to bring your and everyone's hopes and expectations to naught. Please keep watching me.
I look forward to seeing you again. Finally, I'm thankful to God for giving me you as my mother.
If you can speak Japanese, it's much better to read it in Japanese.


あなたが私に生命を与えてくださってから、早いものでもう二十年になります。これまでに、ほんのひとときとして、あなたの優しく温かく大きく、そして強い愛を感じなかったことはありませんでした。 私はあなたから多くの羽根をいただいてきました。人を愛すること、自分を戒めること、人に愛されること……。この二十年で、私の翼には立派な羽根がそろってゆきました。そして今、私はこの翼で大空へ翔び立とうとしています。誰よりも高く、強く自在に飛べるこの翼で。 私は精一杯やってみるつもりです。あなたの、そしてみんなの希望と期待を無にしないためにも、力の続く限り翔び続けます。こんな私ですが、これからもしっかり見守っていてください。



aardwolf said...

Hey Sand, Its Aardwolf from Lang-8.
This is such a beautiful letter, i wish i was as good at japanese as you are at english, because then i could read it in japanese.

I think i will suscribe to your feed, and maybe correct any strange english. (if i can find any!)

Anonymous said...

Hey Sand,

You haven't blogged for a long time. Is everything okay? How is your job hunting going?

sand said...


Thank you for visiting my blog and pitting the comment.
I'm so sorry for my late reply. I hadn't access my blog and lang-8 for almost 3 months...
I came back here finally and I'm also going to start Lang-8 again.
Yes, please correct my strange English. If I can help you with your Japanese, I'd be happy!

sand said...


Hi, long time no see. I'm so sorry for my late reply.

In regard to my job hunting, new positions don't come up due to recent financial crisis. Most companies are holding back on recruitment. So I have to wait patiently.

How are you? I think everything is going well for you.

Anonymous said...

You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view