Sunday, May 29, 2011

Long time no see!

I haven't written articles for a while.
During that, Japan is going toward recovery step by step, there are still many problems though.
However, the situation of the nuclear power plants seems to get worse.

The position of the Prime Minister Kan is shaky, obviously. Even the people in his party are criticizing him.

As for me, my life started to go quite well! One thing which isn't going well is that my English doesn't improve at all as usual. haha.


Tim Frost said...

Hello Sand,

It's good to see you back. I check your RSS feed most days and was glad to see something new today. Try to write more often!

It's good to hear that things are going well with you. Is it something that you could write about? As for Japan, there are few reports on our TV news these days, though I get some information from the web, of course. The latest thing I heard was about the typhoon heading your way and then towards Fukushima. I hope it doesn't add to the problems there.

I look forward to another post from you soon.


sand said...


Thank you for your always caring about my blog!

The things that is going well are mainly about my job. Since next month, I'm having new role which is very interesting and challenging, and working under a nice boss.
And I'm planning to move to a bigger place in a couple of month.

Yes, the typhoon hit Japan. The nature is sometimes relentless. Fortunately, there weren't such big problems, but it's apparent that it was tough situation for evacuees and people around them.