Monday, June 30, 2008
My bad listening comprehension #11
I had no idea at all. I thought there were some words I didn't know, I had to check the dictionary such as capriow and vency. Of course there aren't such words.
The correct sentence is;
"Not DiCaprio! DaVinci, Leonardo DaVinci's DNA."
I can't say anything about that...
My hearing wrong of the past:
EURO 2008 the final game
I don't think it was good judgment for Germany to relieve Philipp Lahm. I think he was extremely exhausted, but even so, Germany should have made him play till the end of the game.
I have appreciated his play since the World Cup 2006.
Look --> )
While I was watching the game, actually I didn't think Germany could win. Playing of Spain looked much better than Germany's one.
The invincible Armada finally got the championship. It's been a long time.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
No conversation in the movie
When I got home, it was still on air. I tried watching it in English, for learning English.
But, because it was the last 20 minutes of the movie, as you know, there was little conversation. Sounds I could hear were just a lot of gunshots, explosions and crashes. Even if somebody uttered voices, those were cries and shouts, not conversation. It was useless for studying English. Haha.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Disappeared sound
I thought I was getting used to catching such sound in English recently, but it was my misunderstanding.
I heard;
"So a-lee he still ga a lot of options."
Correct sentence is;
"So at least he's still got a lot of options."
I could catch just "a-lee" was "at least".
No wonder I can't understand English dramas, movies and news.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Network of contacts
A book I have just finished reading says;
You should have solid relationship with A person who have relationship with 100 people. It's much better than having superficial relationship with 100 people. So you should treasure a few people you have already known.
Hmm... It's a deep word.
The book is about accounting though.
A guy who studies Japanese
Many non-Japanese in Japan don't try to learn Japanese. So I feel happy when I meet a non-Japanese like him.
I hope his Japanese improve lot, and, my English too!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Movie: One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

When I find a movie I want to watch, I usually write it down in my note, from old movies to the latest ones. When I have time to watch movies, I choose one among them. This movie is also one of them, but I can't remember why I listed this old movie.
The theme is a bit deep. I don't know why but I had some sympathy for a main character acted by Jack Nicholson.

I thought Jack Nicholson's acting was very good but that of Danny Devito was also excellent.
A wonderful, excellent and incredible coach, Hiddink
Russia qualifiered for the finals holding THAT England team. But probably no one thought they could win the group league. But! they defeated Sweden team and advanced to the quarterfinal contrary to everyone's expectations. Then, they defeated a shoo-in the Netherlands!! It's miracle!!!
The coach of Russia is Hiddink. That Hiddink!
He steered South Korea team to the top 4 at the 2002 World Cup. People praised him and he established himself as an excellent coach.
At the 2006 World Cup, he steered Australia team to best 16. He prove that his ability as a coach was real. Most people admitted he was one of the greatest commanders.
Look at my article at that time. --> I chose him as a coach award!
Then, in this time, he brought off again. (EURO 2008 hasn't finished yet though.) I hope Germany and Russia compete in the final game.
If he became a coach of Japan team, I wonder if they would also become strong. Hmm... I think potential is different...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Bad things go on happening. -2
It is more like anger than shock, about a chain of bad things.
Bad things go on happening.
The game was in a tie, 1 to 1, then it was going to go to the extended game, and then... my TV on my PC (one-seg) suddenly down. Huh??
I tried to start it some times but just an error massage appeared. I reboot the computer, but the situation didn't change.
Uh... I uninstalled the software then reinstalled it. It didn't work.
I was almost giving up. I uninstalled and reinstalled the software again and installed just its driver again.
Finally it started working. It took about an hour. Of course the game has finished...
What is the next bad thing?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
EURO 2008
They won the group league, then their opponent team at the quarterfinal was Portugal I don't like! So I wanted them to win without fail. Then Germany defeated Portugal!! Good job!!!
Aim for the championship!
The value of my very useful bicycle is...
One of the question from a policeman was;
"How much do you think is your bicycle if you sold it now?"
What? Hmm. Probably the report has to include the amount of damage.
But I don't know general price of used bicycle. It's impossible for me to estimate it.
I said to the policeman that I had no idea. He said that in such a case most people price 3,000 yen (28us$. 18euro)
3,000 yen?? I see... OK... I price 3,000 yen too...
Poor thing. The value of my bicycle is no more than 3,000 yen... It's almost 0. Although it serves my purpose a lot and is necessary in my life.
I wonder where my bicycle is now. Probably I can never see it again...
Bad things happen consecutively.
I needed to go to a place to do something. It's a bit far from my place on foot, so I always go there by bicycle. But since my bicycle was stolen yesterday, I went there on foot today.
It is humid, TOO humid these days. It's cloudy and temperature is not so high because it's rainy season, but I sweat slightly and my hair clings to my neck. Typical Japanese climate. Terribly HUMID!
In such climate, I had to walk to go to the place. Then finally I got there and then, I found that I left my wallet at my home! Too bad! Going back to my place and come to the place again? I should do that because it will rain all day tomorrow, but... I gave up.
I wonder if my biorhythms or something is at the bottom now...
Friday, June 20, 2008
My bicyicle was stolen!
It's not good days these days... I'm going to go make a report to the police.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
My bad listening comprehension #10
It makes sense for me, but... the correct sentence is;
"I think we can make lateral transfers within the company."
I didn't know the word "lateral", so I checked it in a dictionary. I see... Oh, now I remember.
I was a handball player in high school. There was "lateral pass". "Lateral" is that "lateral"!
My hearing wrong of the past:
Excessive "for me"
"Can you change this bill into 10 dimes for me?"
Why is "for me" needed? Should I say it whenever I want to change bills? I think it is unnecessary, more like excessive.
In Japanese, we never say it in this case. If somebody says "for me", it's very strange.
A friend of yours needs some change but there are no coins in his wallet. He can't speak English, so you go to a shop to ask to change with his bill instead of him.
Do you say "can you change this bill for a friend of mine?"?
Addiction to sleep
Then I fell asleep.
I woke up and looked at the watch. What!? It was 5pm. 5:00PM!!
But my difference from other people is...
I fell asleep again! and woke up at 7pm. I watched news and a drama in bed then I got up at 9pm. I'm such a lazy person...
I just wrote that 24 hours a day was insufficient. Yes, I really think so usually. But on the other hand, I always waste MUCH time sleeping.
I wonder if there are any sleep-addiction people like me.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A meeting with a wonderful person
She is a person of my generation but looks like much younger and beautiful. Her manners are very polite and charming. I'm sure that she never offends anybody. In such her soft attitude, I felt that she was superior professional and had high skill on her job.
I was happy seeing her and even a bit excited on my way home.
By the way, I wrote on the previous article that I was going to come straight home and go to bed, but I'm still awake, it's already after 1:00am, because something to do came up. I've always thought that 24 hours a day is insufficient.
Friday, June 13, 2008
After exciting week
I like something new. It always excites me.
After such exciting week, I'm a bit tired. I have to visit a person on business from now. After that, I am going to come straight home, then go to sleep!
I missed "HEROES" this week...
The recording system has worked wrongly or even not worked a few times so far. But I didn't want it to happen on recording of "HEROES". I am really depressed.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Movie: A Sound of Thunder
I thought that its CG was a bit cheap, although it must not be so old movie. (Probably in 2005) I wonder if its production cost was very low. In fact, no big-name actors and actresses appeared.
While watching it, I felt I had seen the leading actor. So I checked the Internet. He is Edward Burns, actually one of my favorite Hollywood actors.
Whew... as I wrote, I am really bad at distinguish non-Japanese's faces, but I couldn't recognize even my favorite actor...
Lemon Cream Spaghetti without lemon?
Today in a restaurant, I found the Lemon-flavored spaghetti in its menu! Goody!
I ordered it of course. But...???
I couldn't taste lemon at all. It was just a cream sause spaghetti? My sence of taste is strange?
I tried to taste it carefully again and again. Then I decided to ask the restaurant. I am a person who seldom complains to shops, restaurants and so on. Even if a restaurant provides a different dish from one I ordered, I usually eat it without saying anything.
But, this time is another case. I was really glad to find lemon-flavored cream spaghetti in the menu. I felt even I must eat it.
I asked a waiter then he took my dish to a kitchen. A few minutes later, he came back and said, "We are sorry. We forgot to put lemon into the dish." Haha. It was good to pluck up courage to ask.
Finally new dish came. Yummy!
Monday, June 09, 2008
Reading wrong
I often do, not only "hearing wrong", but also "reading wrong".
When I read,
"Bill fell down some steps."
I thought he felt down. So...
He was depressed about... steps? I see. I guessed he tried to achieve to do something step by step, and he probably felt depressed on the way to his goal.
"This soup is very salty."
I thought it was soap. So...
Soap is salty? I see. The soap includes famous salt which is good for skin, such as the salt of the Dead Sea.
How imaginative...
"some" vs. "any"
For example;"Any" is used for negative sentences, while "some" is used for affirmative sentences. In interrogatives, "any" is used.
And, there are many exceptions.
I don't know why but I have understood that very well, even the exceptions. When I answer the book's exercises about that, I can say correct answers automatically and unconsciously. I think it is good.
But! I found one thing about "some" and "any". In IF-sentences, "any" is used. I didn't know.
"Let me know if you need anything."
Probably I say "if you need something". Um... It must take a long time for me to be able to say it unconsciously.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
The invitation race started just now! -2
Those were made by the Tokyo Olympic Bidding Committee. It is written on the other side,
Bring the Olympic to Tokyo, 2016!
I was surprised to find those uchiwa, because the 4 cities' selection was announced at the last midnight. But such things are already in public facilities today.
What an accurate preparation!
The invitation race started just now!
Fierce competition will start finally.
I hope Tokyo wins!
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Definite(ly), Obvious(ly), Distinct(ly)
There are many other words I can't tell the differences, such as;
restrict/limit, classify/categorize, relevant/relative, predict/anticipate/forecast, faulty/defect, gain/obtain/acquire, major/primary/main, involve/engage, previous/preceding... Whew...
I wonder how I can understand their differences. All I can do at the present time is picking up example sentences as many as possible, then trying to grasp subtle differences.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
"What do you do?" vs. "What is your job?"
If someone asked me "What do you do?", for example we were talking over lunch, I want to answer "I'm having lunch." or "About when are you asking? About my personal time such as the weekend?"
"What is your job?" makes a lot more sense for me. But today, I found that it is inappropriate because it's impolite. Hmm...
Japanese people tend to avoid telling something directly. They tend to insinuate something, and care about being polite MUCH more than English speakers. But when Japanese ask someone's job, they say "what is your job?" in Japanese.
I wonder what point is impolite in English.
Living in another country without fluent speaking
I think living in another country is very tough even if they can speak the country's language fluently. If they can't speak it well like the student of the class I mentioned, it's much harder.
If I got sick, how can I communicate with a doctor?
When I went to a hair salon, how can I explain to a stylist my hair style I wish?
If I was gotten into a trouble, an accident or even a crime?
There is no end.
People around me have said since I was a kid that I was not afraid of anything. My parents used to be sometimes surprised and sometimes worried about such my character, even after I became an adult.
But, the language issue is another thing. Then, I go on studying English and seeking more efficient and effective way to learn English.
Monday, June 02, 2008
Before working abroad...
Actually it's my policy not to set such a thing strictly. I want to react flexibly depending on the situation at the time. I believe flexibility is very important and necessary thing on business, and my advantages are to be flexible and adaptable.
But I am thinking of a rough plan now, working abroad for a few years a couple of years later.
I'm a person who LOVE Tokyo and don't want to live in places other than Tokyo. In fact I've never lived other areas. But working overseas is good to know various businesses and broaden my horizons.
It's also a good chance to see situation in other countries about humanitarian assistants I'm interested in, and broaden personal relationships in connection with that.
My current situation enables me to do that? Hmm... There is no possibility. I wonder if I should try to find a position (job opportunity) where there is possibility, it's very hard though.
But before everything, I have to improve my English more and more and more!! Even if I were in the situation where there was possibility to work abroad, a company would never transfer me overseas unless I can speak English fluently.
Plunging into the worst season
But after the rainy season is finished, much more humid horrible "Japanese summer" will come. It's more like horrors than gloom.