There are MANY poor people in taxpayers. Why is their money used for such a thing?
Top management of companies such as Lehman, AIG, who caused spending (wasting) people's money, still live in a stately mansion, have huge money and live a rich lifestyle.
America is really rich people-friendly country. It's the same in every country though.
"When the rich wage war it's the poor who die."
by French philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre
by French philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre
By the way, the US's "financial rescue plan (bill)" or "Bailout plan" this time is translated as "Kinyu Antei-ka ho" in Japan and this word is flying around. It means "financial stabilization bill". Is this translation appropriate?
And, I don't think it can stabilize the financial industry.
One of my favorite quotes is from Sir Winston Churchill - British politician (1874 - 1965):
"It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried."
And its true, much good can come from it, but also many bad things can result as well.
But I think what America is getting wrong is Capitalism. Democracy is fine, but Capitalism without checks and balances is horrible.
Bush, his cabinet, and even McCain stick to the Capitalist motto that is ,"no regulation and a free market makes a thriving nation". Well, we tried that for a while, and sometimes it works, but many times it doesn't. There is nothing wrong with adding a little socialism to America's Democracy: it produces a more stable country and more stable citizens.
I hope Obama wins. I voted for him!
Oh, you support Obama.
I think no politicians can change the bad side of capitalism, because all politicians are parts of rich people who grew up and live receiving benefit of capitalism.
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