Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bye-bye, my suitcase

I had two be-wheeled suitcases. I bought biggir one about 7 years ago for my business trip to the US. When I went to a shop to buy it, I told the shop staff that my trip was for two weeks. Then he recommended a very big suitcase.
Actually I haven't used it since then. I used it just once, because it was too big.

I decided to sell that big object which occupied wide part of my closet to a pawnshop. My motto is being simple. I don't want to have too many things.

I took it to the shop yesterday. The shopkeeper checked it closely. Although it was Samsonite, it was old model and there were some scratches, and according to the shopkeeper, its color was unpopular.

Then the purchase price the shopkeeper indicated was no more than 1,000 yen (9.86 us$, 7.42 euro). Haha. Well, it's much better than throwing it away.


Anonymous said...

What color is it? I am curious about the color....


sand said...


Thank you for visiting and putting the comment!
The color was bright orange. I don't think it's so bad. I could find it among a lot of suitcases in a baggage carousel. haha. But I bought it in a sale, so it must be unpopular color.