Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The 61st anniversary of the atomic bomb day of Nagasaki

Americans made a big deal of September 11th, even now. Of course I was very shocked to see the live TV news at that time, and think it was a devastating tragedy. But I make a point to say that Americans made a big deal of such a small thing. They don't know that the U.S. is the country that did much more terrible things?

The number of death from 9.11 was about 3,000.
About 210,000 (140,000 in Hiroshima and 70,000 in Nagasaki) were killed by the history's worst conduct; dropping atomic bombs by the U.S. It took 61 years after it but even now many many people died from that atomic bombs. All deaths are about 340,000.
By the way, about 100,000 were killed by the Great Tokyo Air Raids by the U.S. at March 10th 1945, and in the Battle of Okinawa, about 200,000 civilians were killed.
Americans often say about Pearl Harbor, but how many CIVILIANs were killed at that time?

Two buildings disappeared by 9.11 terrorist attack.
Two cities disappeard by the U.S. atomic bombs.

Japan also did terrible things and made big mistakes in the wars. Other many countries too. But the U.S. doesn't acknowledge its past mistakes, and they repeat those mistakes now. Most Americans are persuaded to believe that dropping atomic bombs to Japan was necessary to finish the war, and don't know those horrible damages at all. The number of wars isn't decline, in fact it has increased. As long as the U.S. is leader of the world, there can be no peace on earth.

One European told me that Americans don't think with their head. Recently I think his opinion might be correct. Even now, 40% of Americans think that a war with Iraq is right.

Is there a RIGHT WAR?

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