Wednesday, January 02, 2013

The challenge for my English is still strengthen listening..

The first transcript I use for my English learning in 2013 is about the Berlin Wall.

In the transcript, the phrase "the wall came down" appears some times. Even though I know what the speaker says, every time I hear it, I can hear it "the walking down", I listen to it many times though.

I'm now in a family restaurant. A non-Japanese father and son are sitting at the table next to me and they are speaking in English. I can't understand what they are saying, especially the boy's talking. Whew...

I wonder if he is around 5 -6 years old. He is very cute anyway!



you said ur in family restaurant.. Is it. so from when you join the family restaurant. wht type of cuisine it is and whts ur job profile..

sand said...

Sorry, I'm not sure what you are talking about...

I was just in a family restaurant at that time to eat something as a customer. And the father and the son were also there as customers at the table next to me.

Anyway, Happy New Year, Avinash!!


sorry i got it wrong way as the sentence say "I'm now in a family restaurant" in your blog. anyways Happy new year sand to you.

sand said...

When I was a student, I worked part-time in a family restaurant, it's long long time ago though.haha