Friday, April 17, 2009

Calling Microsoft Customer Support

I called Microsoft Customer Support. I tried many kinds of operations on my PC talking with a support engineer on the phone for about AN HOUR AND A HALF, but nothing was solved.

Do I need to call DELL next? Whew...

Thank you for your comment on my previous entry.
I can't read any comments on Lang-8 now because of IE problem, so it's nice of you to put your advice here. I'll try it. Thank you!


havarlan said...

The short version is: From my experience, it seems like you've gotten dumb malware. The easiest course of action would be a fresh reinstall. If there is a service you can take it to that can recover your data before reinstalling, or if you can backup your important data yourself, then it should be pretty smooth.

I can say, as an IT professional who has used: Linux(RHEL, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE), UNIX(Solaris), Windows(all of them... except 1.0) and Mac(OSX 10.3), that the biggest issue facing computer OSes is that they are never set up correctly. The least trouble will be the Mac, most likely, but you do need to make sure that your important programs have Mac versions or replacements that are adequate.
Linux is fun, too. You can do a lot and it can work better out of the box than windows. There's a large community for help getting things done, but you will sometimes have to search out a solution to a problem that you shouldn't. I wouldn't recommend doing this path on your own unless it's something you really would enjoy tinkering with.
Windows works just fine if it's set up correctly. Usually, as it comes from the store, a windows computer is completely and utterly useless. Even though I build my own pcs, for my laptop, the first thing I did was reinstall the OS clean. It makes a huge difference. Vista vs XP... well, it depends on your hardware, of course. Vista is fine, XP is also fine. Unless you need it, XP is still probably your best bet. I do, though, run vista on my main desktop and it runs fine.

To be honest, the most important safeguard for a windows machine is to not use Internet Explorer if you don't require it. There are a few websites, which are often internal business websites, that have been written for IE. However, for most normal internet browsing, firefox is incredibly superior. Opera is also great.

Fx Tio from Lang-8 said...

Hi Sand,

I'm sorry to hear that your computer is down. And I don't like Microsoft either.

I'm assuming that all these things happen all of a sudden. It sounds as though you are infected by either a virus or a rootkit.

I guess you might want to call someone who can come over to your house to look at your PC.

In the meantime, use your PC without the Internet to backup your personal data.

I'm sorry I can't offer any better help for you.