Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Golden Week has started.

In Japan, there are some national holidays from the end of April to the beginning of May, and it's called "the Golden Week."

This year, the dates in red are holidays.

Many Japanese go to somewhere for pleasure during the Golden Week, so everywhere is TOO crowded. The worse thing is everything is TOO expensive. So I usually don't go anywhere in the Golden Week.

This year, I'm going to concentrate on preparation for job interviews, university studies and learning English. It's very good environment that I can stick to those things without being bothered with my work. Usually I can't help centering my life on the work.

I want to spend a quality time.


Herm said...

Yeah I know. I also think GW is the best time to stay in Tokyo and the worst time to travel. I am just going to chill out too. Study, exercise, etc.

Just wondering - does your interest in Meditation have anything to do with you studying English? Today I realized that my lack of concentration is a big part of my listening comprehension difficulties. Like, instead of just focusing on what the other person is saying, my mind is either trying to translate it into English, or thinking about my response, or thinking about the fact that I am nervous because it is not my first language . . . so I think I might get a meditation book too, or something to improve my concentration.

Sorry for the long post . . .

I share another listening problem with you, which is difficulty with distinguishing the sounds themselves. Like, the person might say 'cat', but you heard 'cap'. I have been thinking about doing more Shadowing and Dictation to improve this problem, but do you think they help?

Have a nice GW.

sand said...

Yes, I think staying in Tokyo is best.

My interest in meditation has nothing to do with studying English. I just want to be a more generous and broad-minded person. (^.^)

Distinguishing words is very difficult for me too. The other day, I heard "double" instead of "devil." haha...
I think dictation is useful for improving listening skills. In my case, after dictation, I listen the dialogue repeatedly seeing the script. It's helpful to distinguish words, I think.

Thank you for your comment!