Sunday, May 30, 2010

an Incompetent National Leader

Among past Japanese Prime Ministers, there were a lot of incapable people. However, I believe that the incumbent, Yukio Hatoyama is the dullest and dumbest. Terrible!

He is from an incredible rich family and has had a pampered upbringing. His grandfather on the father's side was the former Prime Minister, and grandfather on the mother's side was the founder of Bridgestone. On this point, he is similar to one of the dullest and dumbest U.S. presidents, George W. Bush.

Hatoyama is really incompetent. But he might be better than Bush, because at least he hasn't started any meaningless war. (Oh, there is no meaningful war!)


Demetrius said...


I agree with you!

sand said...

Our Prim Minister announced his resignation yesterday!!

Demetrius said...

He didn't last very long! I think he was forced out of his position as Prime Minister.... You must be happy. Lol

sand said...

His tenure is only 9 months.
Japan's prime ministers always quit soon. haha.