Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Da Vinci Code

As you know, "The Da Vinci Code" is the best-seller in 2003. Though belated, I read it.

I borrowed it from the library. When I tried borrowing it, many people had already made a reservation for this book, surprisingly more than 100 people! I wondered I could have my turn. And finally my turn have come! I can't remember when I made a reservation.

It was very interesting story. I can understand that it became the best-seller worldwide. I read it at one sitting. (I usually read books in a oner. It seems that I'm not good at "little by little" on anything.) In this time, I read Vol. 1. And I'm waiting for my turn for Vol. 2.
I can't wait!


Azxel said...

ahhh.. I've not read this book. Wanted to though. I bought 'The Chronicles of Narnia' last night seeing that the film with one of the episodes is showing now. I just thought that I should read the book first before watching the movie.

sand said...

That movie will hit screen on March in Japan. It's no less than 3 months from now. But it has already become hot topic.

Azxel said...

It was a hot topic sometime ago... the controversies of the book caused a lot of disturbance. While the book is plain fiction, a lot of people took it as it was real and started all sorts of nonsense with regards to Christianity beliefs.

sand said...

I've heard that. I'm not Christian and not believer of any religion. The Da Vinci Code is very interesting for me as a novel. I'm reading Vol.2 now!
By the way, I wrote that the movie will hit screen on March in Japan. I mean it's "The Chronicles of Narnia".