Monday, June 02, 2008

Before working abroad...

What will you do in 5 years? It's the question which you hear often. (Especially at job interviews.)

Actually it's my policy not to set such a thing strictly. I want to react flexibly depending on the situation at the time. I believe flexibility is very important and necessary thing on business, and my advantages are to be flexible and adaptable.

But I am thinking of a rough plan now, working abroad for a few years a couple of years later.

I'm a person who LOVE Tokyo and don't want to live in places other than Tokyo. In fact I've never lived other areas. But working overseas is good to know various businesses and broaden my horizons.
It's also a good chance to see situation in other countries about humanitarian assistants I'm interested in, and broaden personal relationships in connection with that.

My current situation enables me to do that? Hmm... There is no possibility. I wonder if I should try to find a position (job opportunity) where there is possibility, it's very hard though.

But before everything, I have to improve my English more and more and more!! Even if I were in the situation where there was possibility to work abroad, a company would never transfer me overseas unless I can speak English fluently.

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