Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Living in another country without fluent speaking

There is an English learning TV program of which title is "studying abroad on TV". It broadcasts the scene of English classes of a university in New York. You can study as if you attended the class. All students are of course from overseas and some of them speak English even lower than me, but they lives in New York. I really respect them.

I think living in another country is very tough even if they can speak the country's language fluently. If they can't speak it well like the student of the class I mentioned, it's much harder.
If I got sick, how can I communicate with a doctor?
When I went to a hair salon, how can I explain to a stylist my hair style I wish?
If I was gotten into a trouble, an accident or even a crime?
There is no end.

People around me have said since I was a kid that I was not afraid of anything. My parents used to be sometimes surprised and sometimes worried about such my character, even after I became an adult.
But, the language issue is another thing. Then, I go on studying English and seeking more efficient and effective way to learn English.

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