Sunday, October 12, 2008

Japan and France

Japanese anime and manga are popular in the world. Especially manga is very popular with French people.

Judo is also popular in France. The player's number in France is greater than that in Japan.

I wonder why Japanese culture rings the bell with French people.

I've heard that French parents teach their children to be able to speak pretty language, because it becomes great wealth even if they are lower-class families and aren't rich. Awareness of speaking pretty language seems to be very high in France, as well as in Japan.

I think there is also a similarity between French cuisine and Japanese cuisine. Not only taste but also fineness of look is very important on both cuisines.

Japanese people respect and purse beauty/fair not only on language and cuisine but also on other many things. I think it applies to French people.

Hmm... temperaments of French people and Japanese people are similar?

I doubt it.
Japanese people who are workaholic and French people who take an unbelievable long vacation. Their temperaments can't be similar.


PA said...

The French have always liked Bandes Desinees - comic books. They have a long history of those - Asterix + Gaston le Gaf etc. So I guess that explains the popularity of manga and anime too.

As for temperaments, I think the French are more passionate and emotional than the Japanese.

But yeah, there are lots of similarities in terms of culture. I think the Impressionists also loved Japanese art.

sand said...

Hi PA,

I just watched the TV program which featured popularity of manga in France yesterday. Surprisingly, there is a Japanese manga school in France and the students learned to draw manga.

I agree with you that the French are more passionate and emotional. :-)

By the way, I saw the photo of you nephew on your blog. He is very cute!

PA said...

Lovely isn't he!!

sand said...

Uncle PA,
Yeah! I'm looking forward to see his pics in the future.