Saturday, August 07, 2010

The 65th aniversatry of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima

August 6th is the day that America dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, which is one of the most terrible horrible things humankind did.

The 65th anniversary of the atomic bombing of the city has been held. This year, the UN Secretary-General and the delegates of the US, the UK and France attended for the FIRST time.

TOO late! It's been 65 years. Sixty five years has passed!!!

Obama had the U.S. ambassador Roos attend the ceremony. Huh? Come to attend yourself, Obama. He really is a person who doesn't deserve the Novel Peace Prize.

9th is the day that America dropped the atomic bomb in Nagasaki. If you have decent human feelings, I'm sure you never be able to drop the atomic bomb after knowing the miserable devastation of atomic bombing. America did though.


Jeff said...

I understand your feelings, but I disagree about it being the most horrible thing ever done to humankind. 90,000 - 166,000 Japanese were killed in Hiroshima from the bomb, with about the same amount dying later from nuclear fallout.

Now juxtapose that with the ~6,000,000 Jews killed in death camps, 2-3,000,000 Russians killed defending against the Blitzkrieg, ~2,000,000 ethnic Polish killed in death camps, and millions and millions of other ethnicities being killed, the percentage of Japanese killed by the bomb is minuscule. Remember that Japan and Germany were the aggressors of WWII, and it takes a LONG time for those who suffered to forgive.

I think that 65 years is a long enough time to forgive, but I was not personally affected and so I do not know how those who were personally affected still feel.

And I know that Obama is sincere about what happened, but remember that he is one of the busiest people in the world and cannot be in many different places at once. If he could, i'm sure he would have attended.

sand said...

Thank you for your comment.
I didn't write that it's the most terrible horrible things humankind did. Read my article again. I wrote that it's ONE OF the most terrible horrible things humankind did. When I wrote this sentence, of course there were other things like the Holocaust in my mind. That's why I wrote "ONE OF."
Judging from your saying that atomic bombing is minuscule just comparing number of deaths, it seems that you have no idea about the devastation caused by the atomic bombs. The survivors experienced much more terrible horrible situations than people who died just after bombing. Their eyeballs were hanging loose as low as their mouths, their skins of all their body were also hanging loose. Their faces were swollen double. Such people were walking around like ghost. Many people were suffering from atomic bomb disease. Even now, there are people who suffer from atomic bomb disease. 65 years passed, but the number of death due to atomic bombing are increasing year by year. (This past year, the number of death increased by over 8,000.)

Japan and Germany were the aggressors? I think you got education in a victorious nation. Japan and Germany are just defeated nations. If America had lost the war, America would have been aggressor. The person who dropped the atomic bomb of course would have gotten the death penalty as one of war criminals. America would have been blamed like Germany's Holocaust. If a country win the war, they are right? If the country lose the war, they are wrong? If so, if Germany had won, the Holocaust would have been right thing? No way. What they were doing is the same. America too. Even though they won, what they did was wrong. Of course what Japan did was wrong too. Having a war is wrong.

Obama is a busiest person? Yes, I think so. So what? It's a very stupid excuse. He has a lot of things to do. Attending the ceremony in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is one of them. He has many things to do, and he took one of them which attending the ceremony lightly.