Wednesday, December 21, 2005


In past days, I have watched a TV program about English that was spoken in Singapore. It's very specific English so it is called "Singlish".

The program introduced some examples of Singlish. I was surprised! Those almost were not English! Especially grammar is different... hmm... different? Better to say very incorrect. For example, there was no verb in a sentence. Every word in the sentence was noun.
I have heard that many native English speakers have trouble on English conversation when they are transferred to Singapore.

My English is also incorrect. I often speak or write strange phrases, native speaker can understand them though. Sometimes Americans ask me, "Is it British English?" Haha, no, no. I wonder I call my English "Sandlish".

The program I mentioned first introduced that when someone ask Singaporeans, "can you ---?", they answer, "can, can". Oh, I liked it. It's cute!


Azxel said...

Singlish is pretty much like Manglish (Malaysian English). Since both countries are practically neighours and share the same language and dialects, our English is quite similar. It's basically English adapted into local culture, sometimes mixed with local languages and is direct translation from their language, mainly the chinese language.

For example, "Why are you like that?" would be "Why you so like that?" in Singlish. heck! There's even a funny song composed a few years back poking fun at their English with that same title.

We also add things like "lah", "leh" "loh" into most of our sentences. For example, "Where are you going-lah?", "I'm going home-loh", Why are you going home-leh?".

Singlish itself is only usually found in speech (spoken). People still write in proper grammar though. =P (I hope)

sand said...

Oh, there is also Manglish!
And they write in proper grammar. Hmm... My English "Sandlish" is in similar situation. Haha. Because my speaking of English is very broken, and my writing is much better than speaking. Hehe.
Unfortunately, Sandlish is spoken by ONLY ME.

Azxel said...

haha! Well, once you've fully mastered Sandlish (or is it suppose to be Sandglish?), you can start talking that way to all your fellow English learners! That way, in about 3-4 years down the road, every Japanese-English-speaking person will talk that way.

You can even teach me so I'll help spread Sandglish. =P

sand said...

Oh, thank you (^.^)

I'll be able to speak to all Malaysian using Sandglish in the future!!

A world that i've seen said...

u should learn Manglish! ahahhaa...malaysian english...:P

sand said...


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