Thursday, August 28, 2008

My bad listening comprehension #14

"It costs more to stay in the hospital for two days than it would to stay in the most luxurious hotel four night."

I see. But I thought it was a bit strange to comparing staying 2days and 4 days. In this case, it should be compared between 1 day and 2 days, right?

But, the correct sentence is...
It's not "four night", but "a fortnight."

I heard the word "fortnight" for the first time.Why does only "2 weeks" have another word? How about 3 weeks or 4 weeks?

My hearing wrong of the past:


Unknown said...

Hey Sand, it's WiardSan from Lang-8.

"A fortnight" is old English. I don't know why they started using that word for two weeks, and I don't think there are similar words for 3 weeks, 4 weeks, etc.

But you will rarely hear it these days.

sand said...


Oh, it's old English.
Yes, I've never heard it other than this example sentence in my text book. haha...
Thank you for visiting my blog and putting the comment!