Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Don't tell a lie to foreigners about Japan.

I was in a cafe tonight. Old Japanese man and young foreign woman were sitting next to me. They seemed to be language exchange partners. (But old Japanese man and young foreign woman... It's a bit rare combination...) The women asked him about Japanese and the man asked her English. They were speaking almost English so I eavesdropped on their conversation because I thought it was good for listening training. Hehe...

His English level was very low and his teaching ability wasn't good. But I think it's no problem. But his opinions that he thought her were very biased. For example, when she said she wanted to eat Yakitori, he said she should not have gone to Kabukicho in Shinjuku and Roppongi because of very dangerous. What??
In a sense, there are parts of danger in both place, and many country people think Kabukicho is dangerous. But I often go to Kabukicho to drink, watch a movie and so on, especially when I was a university student. And there are many nice restaurants, pubs and bars. His opinion (advice) that is she shouldn't go to those places is TOO biased.

Person who says biased opinions always doesn't know well about those. Probably he barely goes to Kabukicho and Roppongi.

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