Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Full-scale winter

It becomes very cold at a stretch from tomorrow. Bye-bye autumn I like. (It's winter already though.) It is sad that autumn finishes but I like winter better than summer. Most winter's days are fine in Tokyo. Not a cloud in the sky. So I can see the Sun every day. But fine day is very cold. The basis of Tokyo's winter is...
Fine day -----> Very cold
Occasional cloudy or rainy day -----> a bit warm

I hate summer in Tokyo. Temperature doesn't matter. VERY HUMID!! I hate humidity very much. (So I don't like sauna so much.) I love Tokyo so I don't want to leave here. But summer is...
I wish Tokyo's summer were like Hawaii's one.

To change the subject, I had a coffee with co-worker, Joe today because I had an errand to go near his office. He said that he went to New York on business and came back two weeks ago. I'm jealous. I want to go to Manhattan. And he stayed the $1,000-a-night hotel. Wow! I haven't stayed at such an expensive hotel, and I'm sure I never stay for years to come...
He said I might write about this on my blog. Yes! I wrote!

By the way, I wonder the title of this article "Full-scale winter" is correct English... It's strange??


Azxel said...

I wished we had snow or cold weather here... it's hot & humid all year round.. give or take a few monsoons.

"Full-scale winter"?
Depends on what you're trying to say I suppose...

sand said...

Oh, countries of perpetual summer are very popular among people all over the world.

Full-scale winter. I wanted say...
full-swing? actual? real?
I can't explain... Haha.
In Japanese, "honkakuteki".

Azxel said...

'Full-scale' usually means 'all out', as in 'using all available resources' or perhaps even a type of 'complete'.

While I'm not familiar with Japanese, from what I gather, the web gave 'honkakuteki' different meaning such as 'to be adopted'? 'Earnest', 'Genuine' or 'True'.

sand said...

Oh, thank you, Chris!
Maybe "genuine" and "true" are suitable for what I wanted to say.
It seems that I should have written "true winter" or "real winter". I shouldn't have used difficult word. Simple is best!