Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Living in Osaka? 2
As I wrote on this blog the other day, I LOVE Tokyo and don't want to leave from here, and I dislike Osaka most. But there is Japanese old saying, "once you live in a place, it grows on you." I wonder I will like Osaka.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Christmas has finished.
Maybe foreigners who are out of Japan are surprised to see that. I've heard that they don't take Christmas trees away till next month, for example till 6th Jan... it seems that it depends on countries.
Most Japanese aren't Christians. (There are a few Christians though.) And Japanese have no Christmas holiday. We enjoy Christmas as Just one joyful event, and after 25th, the event is finished. Most Japanese are working today and there hasn't been a trace of Christmas in Japan.
Except for selling unsold Christmas cakes at discount prices.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Living in Osaka?
And today, I had two face-to-face interviews. One was with a manager, the other was with an another director. The manager is a Japanese but the director is a foreigner so I've been prepared for the English interview.
But! he spoke fluently Japanese, mostly native. Haha.
This job opportunity may be in Osaka. Hmm... Osaka... I was born and raised in Tokyo, and I LOVE Tokyo, so I don't want to leave from Tokyo. But on choice of job, place isn't top priority for me. But actually I don't like Osaka... better to say I hate. I bother myself about that.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
The program introduced some examples of Singlish. I was surprised! Those almost were not English! Especially grammar is different... hmm... different? Better to say very incorrect. For example, there was no verb in a sentence. Every word in the sentence was noun.
I have heard that many native English speakers have trouble on English conversation when they are transferred to Singapore.
My English is also incorrect. I often speak or write strange phrases, native speaker can understand them though. Sometimes Americans ask me, "Is it British English?" Haha, no, no. I wonder I call my English "Sandlish".
The program I mentioned first introduced that when someone ask Singaporeans, "can you ---?", they answer, "can, can". Oh, I liked it. It's cute!
Monday, December 19, 2005
Age limit on entering the Olympic
Mao Asada (she is a Japanese.) won! That's great!! The second place is Irina Slutskaya who is a Russian, and she is the favorite for the Torino Olympic gold medal. So chance is fairly good that Mao Asada win gold in Torino. BUT!! She can't be selected a member of the Trino Olympic because of the age limit. She is still 15 years old.
President of the International Skating Union said no exceptions. And he also said that he hasn't receivied any petition from the Japan Skating Federation. WHY??
If it happens in other countries, most countries must petition strongly, certainly. Why Japanese don't say anything? The Japan Skating Federation said that rule was rule.
Yeah, it's typical Japanese behavior. Japan don't say its opinion strongly, although some other countries say their opinions very strongly even if it is wrong or contrary to reason.
It's one of the reasons that Japan is poor at diplomacy.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Long vacation
As you know, Japanese vacation is very short. We rarely can take a long vacation. American vacation is much longer than Japanese one. But even American is surprised at length of French vacation. One French said that she takes 5 weeks vacation. Over one month? Other French said that he takes 8 weeks vacation!!
If Japanese take such a long vacation, they must be consumed with worry about their job, companies don't allow them to take such a long vacation though.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Mr. Ogi passed away.
Everyone says he was very good manager. It is very famous that he built Nomo and Ichiro into good players, and both of them have performed well in MLB. And his skills as a baseball manager were called "Ogi magic".
I was very surprised to hear that he was 70 years old. He really looked like younger.
May his soul rest in peace. And please keep watching Japanese baseball.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
The Da Vinci Code
I borrowed it from the library. When I tried borrowing it, many people had already made a reservation for this book, surprisingly more than 100 people! I wondered I could have my turn. And finally my turn have come! I can't remember when I made a reservation.
It was very interesting story. I can understand that it became the best-seller worldwide. I read it at one sitting. (I usually read books in a oner. It seems that I'm not good at "little by little" on anything.) In this time, I read Vol. 1. And I'm waiting for my turn for Vol. 2.
I can't wait!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Alleged irregularities of World Cup final draw
When the 2002 Word Cup was held in Japan and Korea, I've heard some things about the drawing before the final draw was conducted.
There has never been the World Cup that the host country couldn't advance to the final 16, and if the host country can't advance to the final 16, its World Cup would be flopped. So FIFA needed to make Japan or Korea advance to the final. In the result, Japan was in ve--ry easy group. Japan was the host country so of course Japan was dealt as a seeded team. But the group Japan joined was too easy. So Japan could advance to the final. These conducts weren't needed because Korea placed in the top 4. At that time, Korea was really strong, Italians are probably dissatisfied though.
And I also heard before the drawing that the U.S. never joins the Groups that games were hold in Japan.
Sept. 11 terrorist attacks happened one year before the World Cup. So games of the U.S. should have been hold in Korea that has the army. Japan has no army, it has Self-Defense Forces though. And that's really what's happened.
Anyway, there is no doubt that the strongest team wins the cup even if it joins any group.
Monday, December 12, 2005
The first snow in Tokyo
According to news, it snowed last night in Tokyo. Where in Tokyo? I didn't know that. The first snow in Tokyo in this season came 22 days earlier than average year.
I usually don't wear gloves. But I bought a bicycle and it's hard to ride bicycle without gloves. TOO cold! So finally I bought gloves yesterday.
According to the Meteorological Agency, this cold will continue for about 1 week. Ugh... Actually, my room is very cold due to apartment's structure. Usually apartment is warmer than isolated house because an apartment room is covered by other rooms, on the left, right, top and bottom. The same can be said for hotels. But my room is...
My room is the 2nd floor of a 5-story apartment. My room is endmost so there is the next room only one side. There is no room on the opposite side. And there is no room over my room, because my apartment's shape is a staircase pattern. I don't explain well in English. Can you imagine? And! the high point is... under my room isn't a room, it's parking. Oh! It's cold!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
World Cup final draw
But it seems that FIFA ranking is uncertain. Germany is 16th, below Japan. That can't be it. Advancing to the final is difficult for Japan.
By the way, Man U missed both the final tournament of the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Cup. Oh... Battle in Europe is intense.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
It's finally "Shiwasu".
I bought cakes to encourage me. Haha. I just wanted to eat it. My favorite cake is chiboust. I plan to cook it myself.
By the way, I got a Christmas card from my friend who lives in Germany. Oh, it is that season already. I must prepare for some things.
[Writing nengajo]
Nengajo means New Year's cards. Usually Japanese send New Year's card instead of Christmas cards.
It means BIG year-end cleaning. Japanese clean house on a massive scale at the end of year.
[Cooking osechi]
Osechi food is Japanese traditional New Year's food.
Every one is busy at the end of year. Japanese sometimes call December "shiwasu". Shiwasu means "even the master (or teacher) runs (because of busy).
Monday, December 05, 2005
BIG mistake!
BUT!! I made a BIG mistake in the conversation. (It has nothing to do with English.) Oh my god! I was saying to myself it can't be helped but I was regretting it and sighed on my way home.
I just came home and I work out a strategy for recovering it from now. Hold on!
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Please don't call me any more.
When one foreigner spoke to me to solicit to the English school and asked me my name, he said that my name was most famous Japanese name now.
The English teacher who checked my English level yesterday also said the same thing.
And the movie publicity is airing here and there. It means my name is called repeatedly everywhere. I'm a bit fed up.
But I think I will watch the movie because I've heard it is very beautiful movie. And I found a paperback of the novel of the movie today. After watching the movie, I should try to read it to study English.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Checking my English level
My level was level 5. (From level 1 that is the lowest to level 8 that is the highest.) My lowest part was pronunciation. It was the low of level 5. One of my highest parts was grammar, which was level 6. Surprisingly listening was also level 6, although I always think it is my weakest. I think it isn't correct evaluation, because the assessor (English teacher) spoke English very slowly and clearly. Usually English speakers don't speak in that way. In fact, I couldn't understand what English teachers spoke when they spoke each other decorating the Christmas tree.
After the level check, a school staff introduced me the school's courses and materials. Of course it was the purpose of theirs. So I could take the TOEIC mock exam and the level check free of charge. Those were very expensive.
Friday, December 02, 2005
The solicitation of an English school
He said that I seemed to have a foreign boyfriend. What? Why? What is the criterion of judgment?
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Full-scale winter
Fine day -----> Very cold
Occasional cloudy or rainy day -----> a bit warm
I hate summer in Tokyo. Temperature doesn't matter. VERY HUMID!! I hate humidity very much. (So I don't like sauna so much.) I love Tokyo so I don't want to leave here. But summer is...
I wish Tokyo's summer were like Hawaii's one.
To change the subject, I had a coffee with co-worker, Joe today because I had an errand to go near his office. He said that he went to New York on business and came back two weeks ago. I'm jealous. I want to go to Manhattan. And he stayed the $1,000-a-night hotel. Wow! I haven't stayed at such an expensive hotel, and I'm sure I never stay for years to come...
He said I might write about this on my blog. Yes! I wrote!
By the way, I wonder the title of this article "Full-scale winter" is correct English... It's strange??
Monday, November 28, 2005
The lecture about Denmark
Its title was "wisdom of living and design in Denmark". Speaker was Mrs. Takako Bundgaard. She is a Japanese and has lived in Denmark over 30 years after she married Danish.
Her talking was interesting. Unfortunately, she somewhat denied Japan when she conveyed Denmark's good points comparing with Japan. But I became more and more intrigued with Denmark!
I'd like to go to Denmark sometime. Before that, I want to know more about Denmark.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
The result of the TOEIC mock exam
Score was 590. When I tried the book of mock exam at my place, the score was 730. I'm sure that today's result appreciated my real English skill properly.
The exam was hard for me. In the listening section, I couldn't catch English a lot. In the reading section, there wasn't enough time so I couldn't answer the last four questions.
There is much challenge I face. I plan to take a real exam on March and the target score is 660. And I want to get over 730 in a year. But it seems that is my wishful thinking. According to a person of the English conversation school, you must study English over 200 hours to raise your score by 50 point.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
I'll go to take the TOEIC mock exam.
One English conversation school hold it under the same conditions as real exam. Probably the school holds it to get customers (students).
The score of my last mock exam I took at my place was 720. I wonder how many scores I will get tomorrow.
I will report the result tomorrow.
Friday, November 25, 2005
My name's movie
English site => http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/memoirsofageisha/
Japanese site => http://www.movies.co.jp/sayuri/
Many Japanese actors and actresses appear in it. BUT an actress who plays HEROINE isn't a Japanese! Chinese actress Ziyi Zhang plays it. WHY??? I shake my head...
And everyone speak English in daily conversation. It's really strange. That can't be it. In another Hollywood movie "The Last Samurai", Japanese samurai also spoke English.
Story of movie "K-19" (leading actor was Harrison Ford) was about A-sub of Soviet. The story was played out almost in the A-sub. Of course crews were Russian in story... but it was Hollywood movie and actors were Hollywood stars. So everyone was speaking English in A-sub. I have heard that many people felt strange.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Walking around Tokyo station
I went near Tokyo station on business. So I came by the hot new place "TOKIA". And then, I walked around Tokyo station because of fine weather. I like the Marunouchi exit side better than the Yaesu exit side. That area weaves old historic buildings with new intelligent fashionable buildings. And there are wonderful nature "Imperial gardens" nearby. Great!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005
My PC is in danger!!
I was planning to buy a sheet-like piano for Christmas, but I must buy PC?
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Denmark missed 2006 World Cup berth.
Denmark was in Group 2 and it was called "Group of Death". Greece that was the last Europe Champion was also in Group 2 and missed the berth.
The number of the berth for Europe is 13 except Germany. 51 countries competed for it. It's fierce competition! Compared with that, competition in Asia is so easy. If Japan is included in the Europe competition, Japan could never play in the World Cup. It's impossible! It is said that the number of berth for Asia is too many.
The Final Draw will take place on 9 Dec. I wonder which team I cheer for instead of Denmark.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Refreshing change
I realized yesterday that speaking skill was worse rather than not improve. Terrible.
So I planed to change my English material for a refreshing change. I don't change the way to study, dictation, overlapping, shadowing. Just changing material. I hope I can emerge from chaos.
It was said that with making a line graph of language proficiency level, the line isn't rise averagely. The line is horizontal for a while and then rises up suddenly. And it's horizontal again for a while. That is repeated. It seems that the sudden sharp rising is called "breakthrough".
I wonder when my "breakthrough" comes?
Friday, November 18, 2005
Bird flu pandemic
There is concern about stocks of Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate) in Japan. In case new type flu appears by mutation in the bird flu, it is said that Tamiflu is useful for its treatment.
Recently, it is reported that Tamiflu has side effects, for example abnormal behavior and hallucination. In fact, after taking Tamiflu, one high school boy ran to the driveway and got hit by a truck, and one junior high school boy died from jumping down from the 9th floor of building. Hmm... I hope flu pandemic won't happen.
Some people perished by bird flu in China. And one boy has the bird flu, but China announced it ONE MONTH after his getting bird flu. I can't believe!
When SARS went around, China was criticized for its cover-ups by all over the world. China didn't learn anything from it! This isn't just Chinese problem!!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
The frontal lobe
I read some books that were written by Professor Kawashima who is a foremost researcher of brain imaging. According to him, the frontal lobe of animals isn't developed. To put it simply, it is responsible for humanlike behavior. And the frontal lobe is off work during sleeping. I understood!
In the dream, there are many unbelievable affairs, for example, I can fly in the sky, I talk with animals, etc... If those things happen in the real world, everyone are surprised and think it is strange. But in the dream, I am not surprised even if I fly in the sky. I always think why I'm not surprised and feel strange at all in the dream.
I understood now. It's because the frontal lobe is off work. Professor Kawashima said the dream is coherent if the frontal lobe works during sleeping. I see.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Princess Nori's wedding
Her mother, Empress Michiko, married into the Imperial family from a civilian. At that time, it was very rare case so it was said that she had many cares. Princess Nori married into the civil family from Imperial family. I think it is harder. I wonder if her husband can support her well. He looks like a person who doesn't have what it takes.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Tahitian Cafe?

In the cafe, it was Hawaiian atmosphere. Hawaiian music and interior. Yes, I was wrong. Probably those are Tahitian music and interior but I don't know about Tahiti at all so I felt Hawaiian atmosphere. Winter is drawing closer in Tokyo, but it's summer in the cafe.
There are many cafes that are from overseas. But that is cafe I haven't heard of before. What kind of drink is Tahitian drink? And there were some foods. I ordered a chocolate drink. I could choose kind of chocolate. It's first time.
I will try to check more unique Tahitian foods and drinks next time.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Today is...
That is all today's blog. Sorry...
I will write proper blog again from tomorrow.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Giants should know better.
Giants has gotten many players who earned their free agency. They were certainly good players in their ex-teams but their peaks has already finished in spite of their high annual salary. Giants has had many fails about it. Many players, who came from other teams and Giants paid much money, didn't make their marks in Giants at all.
Giants should think of its team situation and strategies. Team doesn't need that many clouters. And Giants also should develop its own players without getting players from other teams.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Don't tell a lie to foreigners about Japan.
His English level was very low and his teaching ability wasn't good. But I think it's no problem. But his opinions that he thought her were very biased. For example, when she said she wanted to eat Yakitori, he said she should not have gone to Kabukicho in Shinjuku and Roppongi because of very dangerous. What??
In a sense, there are parts of danger in both place, and many country people think Kabukicho is dangerous. But I often go to Kabukicho to drink, watch a movie and so on, especially when I was a university student. And there are many nice restaurants, pubs and bars. His opinion (advice) that is she shouldn't go to those places is TOO biased.
Person who says biased opinions always doesn't know well about those. Probably he barely goes to Kabukicho and Roppongi.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
The relation between music and learning language
Hmm... It seems that music and rhythmic senses are important to learn English for Japanese. Japanese language has no intonation and stress accents so much. It's almost flat monotone. So I think Japanese are unused to speaking with strong stress and intonation. I've heard that it's good for Japanese to speak English as if they sing.
I advise foreigners who study Japanese that you speak Japanese as monotone as you can. So your Japanese is close to native speakers' one.
Monday, November 07, 2005
"Farm" and "Firm", "Travel" and "Trouble"
I can't distinguish sounds between "farm" and "firm". Each pronunciation symbol is different. I heard both of words from CDs over and over but those sound all the same for me.
I also can't distinguish sounds between "travel" and "trouble".
When I heard the sentence "It used to cost a lot more to travel", I thought "trouble"? I couldn't catch "to" in front of "travel". So I heard "It used to cost a lot more trouble". ??? What did it mean?
I've heard that it's difficult for foreigners to distinguish sounds of following Japanese words.
kite (Come...)
kiite (Listen to...)
kitte (Cut...)
kiete (Disappear...)
Hmm... The only way is getting used to it?
Sunday, November 06, 2005
TOEIC exam requires reading fast.
My score was 720. I think my English skill is lower than this score, I don't know well about TOEIC.
I always think my weakest English skill is listening and want to improve it. But I thought it was also important to READ FAST for TOEIC exam. There is no time for reading with caution.
I need to train my reading speed too.
Everyday I am reading English newspapers aloud as fast as I can. During taking TOEIC mock exam, I read it aloud unconsciously... I can't read aloud in the official exam site.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Holocaust Day
The resolution underscores that it's the warning against the dangers of hatred, bigotry, discrimination, bias and so on for people. The resolution also declares to refuse to negate Holocaust as a historical event. According to the article, there's movement to negate Holocaust. Negating Holocaust? I didn't know. And I can't understand it! Why do some people negating it? What of Holocaust do they negate? I will check some books and the Internet about that.
I hope that A-bomb day also is designated worldwide. All people in the world should know horrors of A-bomb. But U.S. must reject it.
It was very hard to write today's article. I wrote many words I didn't know. I'm not sure that I chose appropriate words.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
The lecture about learning English
Hmm... That was not good enough. Things I gained were not many.
I'm looking for the better way to learn English. He said English conversation programs on NHK were not good to learn English. I'm using one of them.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
What are differences?
(1) "Do you happen to know ----- "
What is difference from "Do you know ----- "?
(2) "It's worth while to ----- "
What is difference from "It's worth to ----- "?
What are "happen to" and "while" for? Large difference or delicate difference?
Hmm... It's enough for speaking English to know only "Do you know" and "It's worth to", but I must master both phrases to listen to English.
If someone asks me "do you happen to know ----- ?", I would think "what's happened to me?" at first...
Halloween was finished. Halloween decorations disappeared from shops without trace and Christmas trees have been sold already instead of those. It's still 1st Nov.
Monday, October 31, 2005
The third Koizumi Cabinet's inauguration
Ms. Kuniko Inoguchi who is one of the "Koizumi-children" became a Cabinet member despite newly-elected Representative. It's unusual that a newly-elected Representative gets into the Cabinet member but I think she will do well. Her careers are excellent!
I like her because she is very humble. She doesn't boast of her careers, unlike Ms. Satsuki Katayama.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Tokyo govt plans to redevelop my area.
I always find the opening ceremonies of the Olympics very inspiring. I want to go to see it once at least. If it is in Tokyo, it's best! I want Tokyo to win the race to host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. Before that, Tokyo must defeat Sapporo and Fukuoka. Go for it, Tokyo!!
I didn't know but according to a dictionary, one trillion is 1,000,000,000,000 in U.S.
But it's 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 in U.K.
British and American English are sometimes different. But figures difference confuses.
I wonder which language is used in International community and business.
Friday, October 28, 2005
How can we protect children from these things?
Thursday, October 27, 2005
I have a cold.
(I've heard that meaning of "throat" includes "pharyngeal tube" and "air tube". By the way, my pharyngeal tube and air tube have a very healthy constitution.)
After sore throat, I have a cold.
Although I have a cold, I went to Jazz party with my friend tonight. It wasn't fun so much. I should have stayed at home and slept.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
My bicycle life
It was sunny days till yesterday in Tokyo. I like autumn fine weather!
One of my goals is that I will still stay healthy, even at old age. I've heard that riding bicycle is better than running and walking. I can train an iliopsoas muscle and promote blood flow by riding a bicycle over 150 hours a week.
I live in Shibuya Ward so my place isn't so far from Shibuya station. Actually Shinjuku station is nearer than Shibuya station. I can walk to Shinjuku. When I go to Shinjuku and Shibuya, I will bicycle to there now.
(Both Shinjuku and Shibuya is one of biggest station of central Tokyo.)
My skirt tore... Oh, no!
It was my favorite clothes.
(<--- My torn skirt)
Saturday, October 22, 2005
I love sleeping!!!
By the way, I wonder "be asleep" and "sleep" are same meaning. In this case, using adjective is a bit strange for Japanese. So I can understand "sleep" more smoothly.
Friday, October 21, 2005
My new machine!

I rode a bicycle after very long time and it was reminded me that I was very poor at riding a bicycle. Dangerous.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Playoff is...
(This article is about Japanese professional baseball.)
I'm a fan of Giants. But I like Lotte. BUT! Actually I wanted Softbank to win. Softbank was a runaway leader in the pennant race. I think playoff system is very strange and it should be abolished. It's true that playoff games warm up but it's disadvantage for the team that is a leader in the pennant race. The leader team must wait no less than two weeks to play the games because 2nd team and 3rd team play the games at first.
It is also strange that 3rd team can play in playoff.
Although Softbank was a leader in pennant race for the second consecutive year, it lost the league title for the second consecutive year.
Anyway, Japan series will start this weekend. Lotte vs Hanshin. I intend to cheer Lotte. Go in and win for Softbank that lost the title!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
My goals on the future chronology
I set up some goals. Of course one of them is "English". I will score over 900 on TOEIC exam in 3 years. (Oh! You think it's impossible now, don't you?)
Another is that I will do activities to help poor children in the world. At the present time, I do something I can do a little by little. I hope I will do the activities worldwide in the future.
There are many poor people in the world. Especially I'd like to help children.
For example, street children. One Filipino girl works in dump all day and get small changes. They can eat lean meals only every 3days.
For example, children who are in the battlefields, children who are in the disaster areas, children who are in the poorest countries.
When they play with their friends, they really enjoy a good laugh, although they are in the harsh situation. When I see their smile, I feel near tears. They can't go to school but they have strong desire to study. So I'd like to do activities to make situation that children can go to school. I think foods are needed before education though.
#=#=# According to a book "If the world were a village of 100 people". #=#=#
If you have money in the bank, money in your wallet and spare change somewhere around the house, you are among the richest 8.
Among the villagers,
1 has a college education, 2 have computers, 14 cannot read.
I have money in the bank, in my wallet. I had gone to university. I have my computer.
And these are things most Japanese take for granted. But these are very very rare things in the world. I must be thankful for my situation.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Happy Birthday!!
I intend to present me a bicycle. I wanted to buy it and put its photo on this article. But it rain today. I intend to come back to my place from bicycle shop riding the bicycle. I will buy it by the end of this week. And I will put my new machine's photo on this blog!
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Word order
I got together with two high school friends today. We had played handball and did hard trainings everyday.
They are fans of Korean actors so they went to watch the Korean movie. The huge boom in Korea is happening among Japanese women. (Especially women in middle life.) I'm not interested in those at all so I joined them after they watched the movie.
One of them had lived in Korea for a while so she can speak Korean. It's often said that Korean is similar Japanese very much so it's easy to learn Korean for Japanese. Especially Korean has a similar word order to Japanese. Japanese word order is much different from English.
For example...
"I went to the park with my friend this morning.
"Japanese word order is
"This morning with my friend to the park went." (Japanese usually omit the subject.)
It's MUCH different, isn't it?
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Rain, rain, rain...
The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is typhoon season. And there is a lot of rain in the early autumn. And then, clear autumn sky ("akibare" in Japanese) is continued... But akibare I love haven't come yet.
I miss akibare.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Photographer's heart
One day I was watching the news about the earthquake in Pakistan. Camera was capturing local residents who were trying to dig a person from rubble. There was no heavy equipment so they did by human power. Then one of them said to the cameraman, "we are trying to rescue a person so help us". I thought HE WAS RIGHT!! The cameraman was capturing them up close.
Sometimes photographers take pictures in the battlefields and their photos win the awards. They go to many battlefields with justification that their mission is to show people terrible battlefields situations. But I always think why they don't help people in front of them before pressing shutter button. They might help them after pressing shutter button. But if they have normal human heats...
I often watch movies and documentaries about war and I want many people to watch those to realize horrors of wars. But when I see photos in the battlefields, I always think I can't understand the feeling of the photographer who can press shutter button before helping people, like the cameraman who was in Pakistan.
I'm contradicting myself...
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Playing Mozart on the piano
I've heard that Mozart is very good for health, beauty and healing. It seems that it is demonstrated scientifically. So I'm thinking about putting on Mozart usually. At first I thought I borrow CD's from a rental shop.

Do you know sheet-like piano? At first I couldn't believe it. But one pianist said that sound of it is good. So I plan to buy it. I think it's a good idea that I play Mozart on the piano myself.
After improving my piano skill much, I want a real piano.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
My terrible listening skill
I went to drink with my English teacher tonight. At first we drank at British bar in Shinjuku.
He speaks easy English slowly in class. But today wasn't lesson of course. So I often couldn't catch what he said. My listening skill is really bad. Probably he usually speaks faster and uses more difficult words.
Most foreigners who study Japanese have good listening skill, even if they can't speak, write and read Japanese so much. My writing and reading are much better than listening. What is difference?
After drinking at the bar, we went to the Kaiten Sushi restaurant. We went to there late so most my favorite neta(*) were sold out. It was pity.
(*) Neta means sashimi on the rice. It's one of sushi-related words.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Find a nice spot
It's good to go to anywhere new. Sometimes I can find good places.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
English that is easy to catch
I sometimes watch news and foreign dramas in English to learn English, I almost can't catch what they say though. My biggest weakness is listening. I hope I'll be able to understand all English in news and dramas sometime.
But it depends on dramas. For example, U.S. dramas "Twenty Four" and "Star Trek". I can catch what actors say in these dramas better than in other dramas. Their English is very clear for me. Why... Director's policy?
English that is easiest to catch is U.S. president's speech!
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Tatsunori Hara came back!
It was decided that Mr. Hara would assume manager of Giants again after 3 years of separation. (Giants is one of Japanese professional baseball teams. I am a fan.) It's nice! It's better to say it's quite expected. I was really angry at stupid high command of Giants when they retired him. And then poor performance of Giants continued.
I think it's hard to bring the team back from the grave. Hara's role is tough. But go for it!
The way to teach
Their ways to teach are different. Both of them are good teacher.
I think that the way of teach should depend on teachers. I'm a computer trainer and I always think teachers and trainers should make a lot of effort to develop better way to teach and have own way. So I think teacher who doesn't have own way to teach and just copy other's way isn't qualified to teach.
Monday, October 03, 2005
I can't read English fast!
I sent my friend an e-card. When I send e-cards, I use Japanese greeting website of course. But the friend I sent this time is a foreigner so I searched English site and sent from it.
There were many e-cards and I checked a few contents of them. There was one problem in some of them...English sentences or words appear on display and then they disappear soon. I couldn't read them! Because it takes much time to read English than to read Japanese. It made me remember my driving in U.S.
I went to Texas for business trip a few years ago.As soon as I arrived at Dallas airport, I rent a car there, and drove to the hotel. Of curse I didn't know the road of Texas at all so I read traffic signs carefully when I drove on the freeway. But I couldn't read English very fast so I usually passed by the traffic signs before I read. Usually people don't read the traffic sign, just look, right? I also don't read Japanese traffic sign. I can understand it by just looking. But I can't understand English by just looking. I need to read.
I found myself driving 40km per hour on the freeway...
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Remarkable proficiency in crossword puzzle?
1st trying --- 8%
Terrible. Even elementary students in U.S. can fill cells more...
2nd trying --- 16%
Hmm... It's difficult.
3rd trying --- 22%
Favorable growth. I seem to get the knack of English crossword puzzle. Keep it up.
4th trying --- 54%
Wow! Steep increase! Am I a genius? I can meet the goal (80%) soon?
5th trying --- 10%
Oh... thought as much. 4th was pure luck. It's not that easy.
Language improves little by little.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Formal or informal words
I took a business conversation class in my English school yesterday as a substitute class.
I haven't missed a class so I can't take a substitute class but a girl who is a clerk of the school told me to take the substitute class. Maybe it was her mistake. Lucky!
Such being the case, I took a business class for the first time. And then I found that I had misunderstood some formal and informal words...
I often get worried about whether an English word I use is polite or not for business, because honorifics are very important in Japanese. I know using honorifics in English is not as strict as those in Japanese though.
Even if I use impolite words, many foreigners probably allow me because they know well that I speak very poor English. Am I easygoing too much?
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
The meaning of "haha"
I have heard that "LOL" means laughing out loud. I wonder what you write when you want to write normal laughing.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
(ref. My wallet story No.1, No.2)
As policeman said the other day on phone, there were not money and a credit card in it.
There were B/K cash cards but they are a bit strange. They have many unnatural scratches, especially at the top of the cards. Yes, it is a part of imprint. I guess a thief tried to do skimming? My wallet was turned in to the police one week after it was stolen. It is also strange. So I guess the thief did skimming and tried to access my banks during that. But he/she couldn't do because I had requested those blocking. So he/she maneuvered that the wallet was turned in to the police leaving cash cards inside, and then after I remove those blocking he/she intends to try again to access my banks. I have removed those blocking but balance of those accounts are 0! It must be disappointment to him/her. (^o^)v
There is one more my guess. Maybe the thief was a foreigner. He/she stole my credit card and all money, even small change. Despite this, he/she didn't stole coupon (credit note?). It is Takashimaya coupon and is written in Japanese. He/she couldn't read Japanese so didn't know it was coupon, I guess.
This has been sherlock Sand.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Usually I don't listen to foreign songs because lyrics are most important in songs for me. I can't understand lyrics of foreign songs. But I was attracted to that song, I don't know why. So I downloaded that song to my cell phone and set it for alarm. I am woken by that song.
Mai a hi--, mai a fu--, mai a ho--, mai a hahha! Noma noma Yay!
I went to have Sushi and drank Japanese sake. I'm sleepy. Good night.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Go for it! Foreign rikishi!

Today was "senshuraku" (= last day of a Grand Sumo Tournament) and unfortunately Kotooshu who was a Bulgarian couldn't win the tournament, he battled with Yokozuna Asashoryu who was a Mongolian in a playoff though. But he is still 22 years old. Probably he will become a Yokozuna sometime.
Recently, there are many foreign rikishi (= sumo wrestler). Some people concern about it but I think it is good. Sumo world's globalization isn't so bad.
Foreign rikishi can speak Japanese soon. Because they are put in the strict sumo world without translators and other any help unlike other professional athletes. I think environment is very important for learning language. And I also think knowing culture of that language is also important.
But it is very hard situation for foreign rikishi. So I continue to cheer for them.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Movie "We were soldiers"
By the way, Japanese title of that movie is "Once and forever". I thought it was original title. Foreign movies are sometimes translated into Japanese with different titles. But I think English to English is a rare case. I guess "Once and forever" is a bit better for Japanese culture.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Crossword puzzle in English
I started to try to do crossword puzzle in English that is put on the newspaper everyday. It's too hard! The leading cause is my small vocabulary. But there are also some other reasons.
For example...
Case 1, "S" problem (It's main problem.)
Question: Sky sightings
I wondered it was "UFO". But there were four cells, hmm... Then answer was "UFOS". Huh?
There is few concept of plural in Japanese. "S" of the third person singular too.
Case 2, "Abbreviation" problem
Question: Fourth-yr. students
I wondered it was "SENIOR" or "SENIORS". But there were three cells. Answer was "SRS". What??
Quesiton: Apt. parts. Answer was "RMS". Gah!
It takes much time to do crossword puzzle so I can't do it everyday. But I try to do as much as I can and I hope I will be able to fill cells about 80% by the end of this year.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
My favorite cafe
Unfortunately, staffs of the cafe lack finesse very much. So customers have very long wait. Ve--ry long! I think there are no cafes that make customers waiting so long. Haha. We Japanese wait patiently without complaining. (Oh, "We Tokyo people" is more like it. Probably Osaka people complain soon, and that loudly.) That cafe was just opened so most staffs are beginners so it can't be helped. But their skills don't improve although it took about one month after opening. I think that major cause is the responsible person of this cafe. He must conduct and train staffs. But he can't do at all. Terrible. I'm sure it is easy to solve that cafe's problem. Just the responsible person change. Customer service and customer satisfaction are very important for any business.
I can't help but see many things putting them into business. I'm a business person and have worked in business world of one field for a long time. I have a strict view of business person. I always think that I don't work with unskilled person. Like A Inc. is out of question.
Anyway, I go to the cafe. It is difficult to sit my favorite seat though. When I can sit it, I'm happy and I can have a relaxed time.
My wallet was found!
The policeman said that there were driver's license card, some cash cards and 10 yen in my wallet. But he didn't say there was credit card. I have already asked credit card company about card blocking though. I couldn't go to the police today, and it's three-day holiday from tomorrow. The police don't open the found article window on public holidays, Saturdays and Sundays. I can't believe!! It's the police! Don't close on holidays! It can't be helped. I will go the police next Monday.
My favorite wallet will come back. It is lucky it wasn't worse. I hope it isn't worn out.
By the way, why did the thief leave only 10 yen in my wallet?
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Is A Inc. doing OK?
And there were some troubles again today. I'm a bit angry with A Inc. Or more like being fed up. I don't feel like writing today's affairs.
I sometimes do in an irresponsible fashion and am sloppy in my personal life. But in business, there shouldn't be these things.
And their actions are lack in common sense, not only in business but also in human life.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Distrust of one company
Actually I have a distrust of one recruitment company. My friend's cousin introduced me the company. When I went to the office of the company, I already had felt a bit bad. I omit to write the detail of it here. But the president who is a foreigner looked like genial and affable.
Let's say the company name is A Inc. After a while, I received a mail from A Inc. and I was very surprised! A Inc. informed me that its client wanted to have an interview with me. What?? Usually, headhunting or recruitment companies tell me the information of company that is their client and job detail before they introduce my resume to their client. And after I say OK, they introduce my resume to their client. A Inc.'s way was depart from common sense. So I asked A Inc. to give me information before that. A Inc. gave me Word file of simple information about the company but they didn't ask me OK or not. A Inc. already decided that I had an interview.
I wonder if A Inc. usually does business like that way. If so, they must lose credibility. I wonder if their business is going well. I don't think it's due to difference between Japanese company and foreign company. Many foreign companies never do that way.
And by coincidence, my friend had worked for A Inc. But she had worked for only 3 months and quit it, because she also had distrust of A Inc. In her case, the problem was about payment.
Are those only problems of the person in charge? Or problems of A Inc.?
Monday, September 19, 2005
Poignant Mistake!
The interviewer asked me about the budget, revenue, profit etc of one company I worked for as a manager. Always I'm not good at translate numbers to English soon. And I mixed up yen and dollar. And then I told him ridiculous number. Those numbers are... no way!
I wonder if I lost this job opportunity.
After the English interview on the phone
The interviewer struggled through my poor English patiently. But if I can speak English much better, he could have wanted to talk about more detail.
He had a generous view of my poor English. I think one of reason is that he isn't a native speaker. He is a German and lives in Germany. Of course he can speak English fluently and he works worldwide though. And he knows well that English level of most Japanese is much lower than other countries.
He said that managers of each region sometimes gather and discuss about business. Its role is impossible for me as the present my English skill. Hmm...
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Preparation for an English interview on the phone
I'm going to do preparation for the interview from now, I don't know what he will ask me though. But I used to guess right about what would be on the test when I was a student. I'm a good guesser. I believe my intuition.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Shock! My wallet is missing.
And I lost my wallet at one club, probably stolen. Shock! There are about 20, 30 thousand yen, driver's license card, credit card, some cash cards and so on in my wallet. I called card companies for cease and replacement although it was midnight. It takes much money for cards replacement. I lose money more than amount money that was in my wallet. Too bad!! I'm sure that my wallet won't be back. I am really depressed.
And I liked my wallet very much. It was a Chanel wallet so it was expensive. But I desperately wanted it and bought it. It was rare model so I can never get it again.
When I arrived at my place last night, I went to one convenience store and would buy juice, although I had no wallet. Haha, Stupid...
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
It's a small world.
One of headhunters who contacted me sent me a mail at first. I thought his name was same one guy I met a few months ago as a language partner candidate. I met the language partner candidate just one time and he said that he was looking for a job of IT recruiter because he just came to Japan.
I exchanged mails with the headhunter about job and I was going to go to his office. Then I checked full name of the language exchange partner candidate on my address database... Oh, same name. So I sent the partner candidate a mail after a long time and asked him. Yes! He is him! (?) He was also surprised and he said he was thinking that he know my name. What a coincidence! And then I met him again after a long time at his office.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Lunch with my friend at Daikanyama
She said that she was worried about her present job. She just started the job but it seems that there are some problems. She is offered other jobs from some headhunting companies. She can speak English fluently so I think there are good job opportunities for her. Her TOEIC score is over 800!!
She hates foreign company so she decided to work for Japanese company this time. But that company is typical Japanese company and there are typical Japanese company's problems. I don't like the corporate culture of typical old Japanese company. But when I was working with foreigners, I really realized I was a Japanese and I thought I never want to work with foreigners again. Both Japanese company and foreign company have good and bad points.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
My classmate was Komiya-san who is a comedian
Friday, September 09, 2005
Job opportunity
By the way, foreign companies pay salary much higher than Japanese companies. For example, one of jobs I was offered pay annual salary 10 million yen and over. What is this gap??
I have had a cold about for one week. It doesn't get well at all. This week was very tough for me.
Dear Pilarcita,
Thank you for your comment on my article on 4th Sep. I also put comments to you.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
So I'm discouraged about studying English.
I found one book at a bookstore. Title is "The improvement of English using NHK English programs.". I'm studying using one of NHK programs. Repeating, overlapping, shadowing, dictation... there wasn't any new things in the book. But I recovered from my discouragement a little.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
I talked to a foreign headhunter BUT... 2
I checked other jobs. Hmm... if I can speak English, I would be able to get the job that pays very large salaries use my experience. If I studied English harder and more seriously, I would have been able to speak English more by now... I am really lazy. I have known need for English though.
I had lunch with my friend who was a foreigner last Monday. He can speak several languages and he said English was very important and necessary for job. I know...
Thursday, August 25, 2005
I talked to a foreign headhunter BUT...
I couldn't understand her English enough, so I asked her to give me a mail. I anew realized my poor English and the necessity of learning English. The headhunter must have been surprised at my poor English.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Place foreigners like
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Second lesson at the English school
My classmate missed today's lesson so student was only me. It was a private lesson! It's useful! Lesson is for one hour and I feel it's short. The time just flies by.
I'm sure that I chose a good school.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Language Partner Candidate
He looked like serious person unlike some foreigners I met before. He is a diplomat and his work place is very close to mine. So I asked him about Japanese foreign policy because I always think Japan is poor at diplomacy, this topic was difficult for my poor English though. We also talked about atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
When I was a child, there were many TV programs about war every August, but there are few those in recent years. Japan is beginning forgetting war. It's bad thing. But there are many TV programs about war this August because of 60th anniversary of the war's end. I think people must not forget misery of the war.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Start going to an English school
I went to the school which is near my place to check my English level last Tuesday. It takes just a minute on foot. Best location. My level was upper-intermediate, I think my English is poorer though... And I took first class the day before yesterday. Hmm... it was good. The school is very small but it seems that it's good school and teachers. There are two teachers who are Canadian.
And I will meet one person who is a language partner candidate. I don't expect much. I have met some language partner candidates but most of them were not good. Their purposes were not learning language...