Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Playing Mozart on the piano

I downloaded and listened the music of my friend who is a DJ/beat maker. (I am not familiar with his music though.) Listening his music, I realized that I rarely put on any music in my usual life.

I've heard that Mozart is very good for health, beauty and healing. It seems that it is demonstrated scientifically. So I'm thinking about putting on Mozart usually. At first I thought I borrow CD's from a rental shop.

I used to play piano. But I haven't played it for a long time and I always think I want to play it again. But my piano is at my parent home and my place is too small to put a piano.
Do you know sheet-like piano? At first I couldn't believe it. But one pianist said that sound of it is good. So I plan to buy it. I think it's a good idea that I play Mozart on the piano myself.
After improving my piano skill much, I want a real piano.

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