Thursday, October 27, 2005

I have a cold.

It gets colder recently and a cold is going around. Finally I caught a cold. I wonder it is due to riding bicycle. My throat is weakest in my body, so I have a sore throat first when I have a cold. My sore throat is terrible so I sometimes can't sleep well.
(I've heard that meaning of "throat" includes "pharyngeal tube" and "air tube". By the way, my pharyngeal tube and air tube have a very healthy constitution.)
After sore throat, I have a cold.

Although I have a cold, I went to Jazz party with my friend tonight. It wasn't fun so much. I should have stayed at home and slept.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm - you can sleep on Saturday! it is almost the weekend! I am jealous that you could go to a party tonight, even if you are sick! i was at work...that is very boring.

I have never heard of "pharyngeal tube"...if you know words like that you will do very well with crossword puzzles.

sand said...

You've never heard of "Pharyngeal tube"? Really? I just looked up in a dictionary. It seems that I made a wrong choice. Others are... esophagus, gorge, gullet and so on. Many...

By the way, my score of English crossword is still around 15%. It doesn't improve at all.

Anonymous said...

hey! i thought you were going to sleep! you'll never get over that sore throat/cold if you don't. You will have to change the title of your blog to "Daily life of a cold sufferer"

sand said...

Haha. Yes, I should go to bed early.
Much sleep, drinking a lot of water and getting Vitamin C are necessary to get over a cold.
So I go to bet early tonight.
Good night!