Sunday, September 25, 2005

Go for it! Foreign rikishi!

Today was "senshuraku" (= last day of a Grand Sumo Tournament) and unfortunately Kotooshu who was a Bulgarian couldn't win the tournament, he battled with Yokozuna Asashoryu who was a Mongolian in a playoff though. But he is still 22 years old. Probably he will become a Yokozuna sometime.

Recently, there are many foreign rikishi (= sumo wrestler). Some people concern about it but I think it is good. Sumo world's globalization isn't so bad.

Foreign rikishi can speak Japanese soon. Because they are put in the strict sumo world without translators and other any help unlike other professional athletes. I think environment is very important for learning language. And I also think knowing culture of that language is also important.

But it is very hard situation for foreign rikishi. So I continue to cheer for them.

1 comment:

sand said...

Thank you for putting comment and the encouragement!
Are you also studying English?
I do my best!